Staying naked for a home service call

I've read alot of posts here about those that stay naked for strangers during a home service call. I think I'll finally get my chance tomorrow evening!

I made an appt some weeks ago for a Cutco knife sharpening. So I sent out a notice today to confirm, and got a positive response. After reading people's ideas here about whether or not to say something, I chose to be respectful and let them know that I am a nudist, and I do not wear any clothes in my home. This way it is not a shock, and as well gives them the chance to make changes if uncomfortable. Either way, it's good for me, because I still get my knives sharpened, just potentially a different way..........or they say not a problem, and I get to stay naked in my home in front of a perfect stranger!! It's a win/win for me.

I'll update how things went tomorrow night

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RE:Staying naked for a home service call

So the naked service call was very cool! Was pretty amazing to answer the knock on the door completely naked, except for the cock ring I was wearing! It was about a half hour long, very civil..........but I was butt naked in my home in front of a complete stranger with clothes on, what a rush!

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RE:Staying naked for a home service call

So the naked service call was very cool! Was pretty amazing to answer the knock on the door completely naked, except for the cock ring I was wearing! It was about a half hour long, very civil..........but I was butt naked in my home in front of a complete stranger with clothes on, what a rush!

Thats so awesome! Im proud of you for putting yourself out there like that. Im so glad it went well.

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RE:Staying naked for a home service call

Congratulations! I am so proud of you!!! See how liberating it is to remain nude when you have guests and visitors enter your home. You have now accomplished the hard part; the first time telling a stranger you will be nude when they arrive. Now that you have had your first successful nude - textile experience, it will be easier to remain nude for future visits. Again, I'm so very proud of you. Your positive experience will serve to encourage many nudist to take "the plunge" and remain nude! Please keep the group posted on future nude-textile experiences.

Stay safe! Stay Naked!
Group Moderator

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RE:Staying naked for a home service call

I believe informing them in advance is the best way to do it. I used to let them discover that I was a nudist when I answered the door. Honestly, it almost always went perfectly well. Most people just don't seem to care. They are there to do a job and are not at all concerned about my choice of clothing.

One guy had a fit about it and I really needed his services. I relented and put shorts on. There were two of them there. The other guy thought it was totally unprofessional for his co-worker to behave that way. He said his co-worker had religious hang-ups about the human body.

Since I've been letting people know, I've only had one person out who had a problem with it. But he knew in advance and chose to come out anyway. Everyone else was expecting me to be nude and had no problem with it at all.

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RE:Staying naked for a home service call

Great job promoting nudism but not hiding it like it is something to be ashamed of. I too have greeted service guys in the buff. Some with a heads up , others just did it. Only had one sort of negative response. My power was out due to a squirrel tripping the fuse on the pole. It had happened before and the same guy came as the first time. I was nude the first time and he made no comment. The second time , he curtly told me to put shorts on or he would not restore my power. I wanted my power back on so i complied, and apolgized. He agreed he over reacted the 2nd time, I just caught him in a bad mood.

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RE:Staying naked for a home service call

Great job promoting nudism but not hiding it like it is something to be ashamed of. I too have greeted service guys in the buff. Some with a heads up , others just did it. Only had one sort of negative response. My power was out due to a squirrel tripping the fuse on the pole. It had happened before and the same guy came as the first time. I was nude the first time and he made no comment. The second time , he curtly told me to put shorts on or he would not restore my power. I wanted my power back on so i complied, and apolgized. He agreed he over reacted the 2nd time, I just caught him in a bad mood.As much as there is no real reason to inform people in advance that you'll be nude (no one was ever harmed by seeing someone without artificial adornment or being in the presence of such a person), it does, nonetheless, leave the other person with no excuse for having a problem with your nudity.

If someone shows up to my door unannounced, that's on them.

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