Small Willy Wales

Hi all, happy to be part of the group, proud owner of a small willy. Puberty hit at 14, little later than most of my school friends but not as late as some I have read here. I used to be a little shy of my smaller than average willy when compared to others. Became a nudist to gain body confidence and have not looked back. Now being over weight too, I sport a tiny nub that usually retracts inside and when hard only measures 3.5" I m very comfortable naked any happy that others see my tiny willy.

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RE:Small Willy Wales

I was a late developer so avoided the showers at school. I didn't mind at university as I had grown a little and had some pubic hair. My friend at uni was 6'6" and he had a tiny one and didn't give a shit. Coincidentally he was from Wales

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RE:Small Willy Wales

totally with you. I have the same problem and could not care less what others think. But I am happy.

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