hi from lancaster pa

looking for other people to hang out with.I am single guy.couples -girls or guys.

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RE: hi from lancaster pa

looking for other people to hang out with.I am single guy.couples -girls or guys.

Welcome to this great community. Please take the time to complete your profile, hopefully be certified and let us know who you are by adding to conversations in the Forum topics. Let us know if you're a member of any nudist clubs or organizations. This all helps others feel a bit more comfortable with you.

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RE: hi from lancaster pa

Welcome from Canada. I can't say it any better than Cheri did above. This really is a great site with lots of friendly and helpful people.

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Re: hi from Lancaster Pa

I also echo the above sentiments about filling out your profile, letting others know more about you and your interests in the nudist lifestyle. I am in the Camp Hill area so you could get in touch with me through TN mail/messages. Nice to meet a new nudist. You will like it here definitely. David

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