There were very few men in the gym. I didn't notice the ages or their reactions.The pool area seemed to have men ranging from 20s to 70s.You did not notice ages or reactions, just that they were wearing shorts.Ok, got it.
Whether someone is wearing shorts or not is obvious at first glance.
Ages are less so.
Reactions are difficult to judge unless comments are made.
Ive no idea the reason guys arent working out nude, but I can guess its the same reason naturist are never without a towel.It would be awkward to use many of the machines sitting on a towel. Shorts would be more logical.
In Europe, it is somehow mandated to have a towel to place on the machine where you are sitting. Your sweat goes through your clothes. So it's not awkward at all.
Next time in Miami, I truly have to try this location.
Ive never heard of this gym. Is it entirely clothing optional?The Club has similar facilities in a few other cities, including Orlando and Miami Beach.Steamworks and Flexspas are other similar chains.
Hey, what is the place called in Miami Beach. Can't find it.
I am planning a trip to Miami, mostly for Haulover. But would love to try going to a gym fully in the nude. That could be an experience.
Ive never heard of this gym. Is it entirely clothing optional?The Club has similar facilities in a few other cities, including Orlando and Miami Beach.Steamworks and Flexspas are other similar chains.Hey, what is the place called in Miami Beach. Can't find it.I am planning a trip to Miami, mostly for Haulover. But would love to try going to a gym fully in the nude. That could be an experience.
Club Miami has a pool but no gym. It is in mainland Miami, not the island of Miami Beach. However if you have a car, Club Fort Lauderdale is only 30 miles away.