March 25, 2023-Next TN Group Meet at Spa World
OK guys, spring is in the air. Let's shake off the cob webs of winter and come on out for a group gathering with fellow TN members at Spa World on the 25th of March. We've been getting an increase in guys showing up, so let's keep it going. Tell your friends it's time, get some carpools going, coordinate arrival times and let's do this!
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RE:March 25, 2023-Next TN Group Meet at Spa World
I will be there at 9 am. They are open from 8 am - 10 pm and guys will arrive at different times, depending on where they are coming from. I keep an eye out for those I recognize and try to make sure everyone gets introduced to the rest of the gang. All are welcome to have lunch as well, and just enjoy a good time of fellowship and nude camraderie.
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