New members

Hello to all our new members. We are growing and hopefully we will have lots of new discussions. Please check out our new members and say hello to them. Feel free to post pics if you want.
Thanks to all of you for making this group a successful one.
Nudist Couples Only!!!!

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RE:New members

Wed also like to welcome new members to this group. Its nice seeing the page number go from four to five. Hopefully lots of topics will be posted as we get further into summer when were able to spend time naked outdoors at our favorite resorts, beaches or in our own back yards. If you have a non landed nudist club in your area check them out as we did years ago. A great way to make more nudist friends and enjoy the company of other nudists on a monthly basis and during certain holidays like Halloween and New Years Eve.

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RE:New members

Happy to be here and look forward to getting to know everyone:-)

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