Share places to hike nude

Share any places you find to hike nude. The last place i hiked nude was at Split Rock but they closed that to nudism now.

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RE:Share places to hike nude

My best experiences are in Vermont. Pretty much anywhere you can hike there can be done nude. In the interest of limiting offense to others, I try to pick times and places where meetign others will be limited. Most recent hike was in the fall (2022) from The Marina in Brattleboro, up along the West River to Black Mountain summit, and back. Other places have been along Somerset Reservoir, Stratton Mountain and Pond loop, west side of Harriman Reservoir, Mount Ascutney, and various sections of the Long trail. Always interested in hiking with others but, lacking that, will hike solo.

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RE:Share places to hike nude

Mike, where abouts in NY are you? Vermont is the place! You near VT where you can participate in nude hikes? There is a large hike held annually on the summer solstice, 6/21

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