Groups and their moderators

I'm curious if others not only look at a group's title, description and rules before deciding whether or not to join but also the moderator who created the group?

Does it make a difference to you whether the moderator is certified? Does it make a difference if they are male, female or a couple? Does a make a difference to you whether or not they have any type of picture of themselves viewable by the public in their profile? Do you look at what information they have, or don't have, in their profiles? Do you look at who their "friends" are? Do you look at what other groups they are members of?

Or do you you join (or not join) a group totally based on whether or not you are interested in the group itself?

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RE: Groups and their moderators

if the creator/moderator started a women's only group and was a male then yeah you may want to question the legitimacy of the group.

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