The Naked Gunner

Here is a story from WW2 concerning a naked gunner on an aircraft. How did he end up naked? a You Tube Vid.

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RE:The Naked Gunner

fascinating thanks for the link.

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RE:The Naked Gunner

here is the uncensored link to the actual photo:

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RE:The Naked Gunner

This young crewman of a US Navy Dumbo PBY rescue mission has just jumped into the water of Rabaul Harbor to rescue a badly burned Marine pilot who was shot down while bombing the Japanese-held fortress of Rabaul.

Since Japanese coastal defense guns were firing at the plane while it was in the water during take-off, this brave young man, after rescuing the pilot, manned his position as a machine gunner without taking time to put on his clothes. A hero photographed right after hed completed his heroic act. Naked.

The photo was taken by Horace Bristol (1908-1997). In 1941, Bristol was recruited to the U.S. Naval Aviation Photographic Unit, as one of six photographers under the command of Captain Edward J. Steichen, documenting World War II in places such as South Africa, and Japan.

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