Aw gee, I'm jealous, I thought she was in love with me.
- 14 years ago
yes, i got 8 messages (at one time) from Miss Jessica this week, and 3 of the exact same message (again, at one time - must have an itchy trigger finger) from a different name last week. boy, are they barking up the wrong tree. i flagged both profiles as phishing scams. it seems that it's not only 'single males' who areannoying; anonymous computer scammers fit the bill as well. i wish we had a "block" button on TN so i could have taken care of this myself. not knowing if anything was done to this profileleaves me guessing if i'll get more of these from the same account.
- 14 years ago
I'm always impressed by the number of women who have moved to Ghana to work in an orphanage and want to get to know me!!
Don't forget the Phillipines! It is rich in "Friends" also!
- 14 years ago it just me, or is the pic of her bending over to show her bits flaggable? If so, flag with me.
Reason: One or more of her photos is most inappropriate. - Easier when you make it a link. Hightllight the "link" and then click on the link icon next to the photo icon.
- 14 years ago
Are you guys serious? You can show your 'bits' but she can't show hers! I believe some of the members are correct..this is becoming a gay site!
- 14 years ago
Inappropriate profile?
- 14 years ago profile?
IMHO - the short answer is yes
- 14 years ago Inappropriate profile?
IMHO - the short answer is yes
Reason: Inappropriate profile.
Go here for instructions on how to make a flag report and bump any future spam threads, out of sight.
- 14 years ago