recovering from surgery

for the past seven weeks I have been home recovering from knee surgery. It's tearfully boaring. I've watched all the TV shows I care to and played all of my video games again and cleaned my car inside and out. I still limp around like a cripple but am getting better.

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RE:recovering from surgery

I'm happy you're improving but the boredom sounds dangerous - maybe it is time to pick up a good novel and get your head into somewhere besides the four walls you're trapped in until you're healed up more? Not everyone is into reading but I relish laying back in the sun with a new one and letting go of my own world to catch a ride on some talented writer's magic carpet for a few hours. I was lucky at Christmas to receive four good books and have nearly completed three of them now, two fiction and two non-fiction. Elton John's autobiography is half done, called "Me" and is a nice deeper dive into his life, something I've been wanting to read since I got to see "Rocketman", which I loved. It does show a serious narcissism in him, but what good addict doesn't have a big dose of that shit? A newer Star Wars novel called "Revenge of the Sith" was the first I picked up and it fills in beautifully with the missing pieces of the last three movies. Got Steven Cobert's "America Again" coming up fast and more after that - a booksale to go to next week, oh I do love the printed world! So if you cannot get out, Amazon will deliver, or get a friend to pop by the library for you and read to your heart's content for free!! The best of luck for a full recovery, and stay naked ~

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RE:recovering from surgery

It can be very boring recovering from surgery. I had the right side of my colon removed in early Jan. followed up by 5 weeks in rehab. Since then I have recovered nicely, and started my treatment for cancer, I had computer problems so I
had only limited available programs to watch on tv, which was no fun. I wanted to post my post-surgery photo but haven't because
I have a catheter now and I
didn't think people would want to see the tube coming out of my penis. I haven't had a knee replacement but I have had a shoulder replaced so I
sort of know what you went through.

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RE:recovering from surgery

- a booksale to go to next week, oh I do love the printed world! So if you cannot get out, Amazon will deliver, or get a friend to pop by the library for you and read to your heart's content for free!! The best of luck for a full recovery, and stay naked ~

I too relish reading. Some fiction, like Tom Clancy novels, but the biggest category I read is travel essays. People who have biked, hiked, sailed, or by any other means explored the world. Avid traveler too but when I can't be out of the road or air exploring I want to follow along with someone else who did. Currently reading a Carol Burnett book where she shares her memories of the 11 seasons on the air. I remember some
of the exact skits she describes. I also have a book going by a young man riding his motorcycle from NY to the southern tip of Argentina. He has some pretty hairy scrapes plus some wild adventures along the way.
Are you a member of the Avid Naked Readers group here?

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