RE:Weather related nudity.

I love how this post started about weather events and migrated to earthquakes!Since both are natural catastrophes that may require a quick exit, the migration is less than many others that are on this site!

Specifically, an earthquake is a geological event and not weather related. Fire and flood could be weather related, but not necessarily.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Weather related nudity.

When I was in college I went out for a naked jog in the middle of a summer downpour and was noticed by someone else who was laughing at me. It was a wonderful experience and felt safe because the rain was quite heavy without any thunder or lightning risk. Imagine Queen's "I want to break free" playing in the background

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  • a year ago
RE:Weather related nudity.

I've been nude in all sorts of weather (snow and ice only briefly). But yes, I pay attention ever since I got caught hiking nude (no cover) when sun turned to dark clouds, then light rain, then cold pelting rain , then hail. A stroll turned to a sprint back to my car, about 1/2 mile away. A warm rain is great, tho.

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  • a year ago
RE:Weather related nudity.

Our nudist lifestyle is, Nude when possible, clothed when practical.

We live in So Cal, earthquake country. We have had some major earthquakes where we rode them out and remained naked the entire time. During the Northridge earthquake in 1994, I was at work, sleeping naked and actually got knocked outta bed by the quake. I slipped on shorts and flip flops and ran out to the apparatus floor and got the fire engine out of the barn.

We have spare clothes in a few places around the house. If a big quake hits, the very first thing we do is get out of the house. We have clothes in storage bins in our storage sheds and in both our cars. I will get my wife to safety and then try and get at least one of the cars out of the garage. Getting out is the most important thing to do. Being naked outside is the least of our worries.

We don't get tornados or hurricanes but if we did and we got the warning that they were coming, we would get dressed. That's the practical part of our nudist lifestyle.

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  • a year ago
RE:Weather related nudity.

We're mostly tornadoes. I'm always dressed when the warnings get serious. When my wife sees me get dressed, she just heads to the basement.

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  • a year ago