Naked with people related to work

Have you ever hang naked with people that you know from what you work? I mean, if you are a teacher, have you ever got naked with a student? (i already had, but we're both adults). If you work in the health field, have you ever hang nude with a patient?
How was the experience? Do you think it's unethical?
If you feel like sharing it privately, hmu on telegram: @duart_dl

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RE:Naked with people related to work

I would see a few coworkers nude from time to time in the men's locker room of the gym I belonged to.
No big deal.

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RE:Naked with people related to work

Being one of the first to go to Haulover when it became a CO beach, did not see any coworkers for a few years. Once it became more popular, knew eventually there was a good chance it would happen. Finally, it got back to me at work, someone saw me there. From then on I was expecting to see coworkers there. Eventually, nearly every time I went, I saw and visited with coworkers.

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RE:Naked with people related to work

several years ago a couple of times I hosted another single male coworker for a meal just to visit. I mentioned to him that I normally do not
wear clothes at home and he said that was okay with him. So I was bare when he got here and stayed that way. He kept his clothes for the evening but was totally comfortable with me bare. He casually mentioned that he and a couple of our mutual coworkers would shower at the Y when they worked out over lunch and they were all fine with that.

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RE:Naked with people related to work

I have had coworkers accompany me on my annual Everglades camping trip which is always naked. The coworkers knew this ahead of time. One of them got naked a few times during the week but only to swim and dressed immediately afterward. The other guy never go naked that I saw, but he never complained that I was naked

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RE:Naked with people related to work

Years ago three coworkers and I would go to the Y over our lunch break and play racket ball and would all shower together after playing. It was usually the owner of the business and two salesman from the dealership. Three would go every lunch hour leafing one behind at the dealership to hold down the fort. We three salesman would alternate daily so one of us was left at the dealership to handle the floor traffic. Never a big deal.
In latter life 4 or 5 of us who worked together at the hospital would have our annual turkey hunting trip and as guys do we would walk around after the shower in all sorts of dress or undress.

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RE:Naked with people related to work

When I was in college, I had an episode with a professor. This professor had created a congress and called me to work with him. It was in a different city from mine and in addition to working, I stayed at his house during the weekend that the congress was going to take place. My teacher slept naked like me, I even saw him naked one morning. As it was the first time I was at his house, I didn't want to scare him with my nakedness. Little did I know that we could share these moments together. Maybe one day we will still have that opportunity.

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RE:Naked with people related to work

if both are nudist and decide to spend time together who can judge them? I see no problem with it.

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