Pretty People Problems
There is no real way to say this without sounding so full of it. But I feel like I am ever so slightly above average in the looks department. And that is not just a baseless claim, but its backed by my body proportions and golden ratio calculations and overall symmetry.
Why do we normalize assuming pretty people don't have problems? Why do we assume pretty people get everything handed to them? If you wonder the validity in my words, are you doing exactly, as I described? minimizing me and taking your perception to be my reality?
Another example.. you think the most pretty girl in school has all her peers throwing themselves at her. Yeah, she is pretty. She gets a lots of heart eyes, but no one ever asks her out because they think she is out of there league or assume she already has a date and why bother asking?
I reached out to someone and their response to me was,
"....I am sure you will be able to meet a lot of people that will be able to show you mall the ropes. I was able to meet people here and made friends along the way for the past 2 years since I embraced this lifestyle. Just be true to yourself and be nice and kind to people. Thats all I can advise...."
Its been 1.5 years and I haven't met one person from this website. I feel that I am very nice to people. I spent a lot of hours on this website trying to nurture some kind of relationship. So much so, I was told maybe it would be healthy to back off of this website for a bit. Advice that I followed. In truth, I may not be my true self. My true self would be content being a hermit, living under a rock, because that is far more comfortable than extending my neck out and slapped with rejection.
a lost boy thats far more lost
- 2 years ago
This isn't really a good site for meet-ups face-to-face. I know of only three people on this site that I've actually met. One was a friend of mine who turned me on to it (he's long gone now), and the other two were people who made contact with me after I announced that I was going to be at a certain resort at a certain time, so we could meet.
If you want to actually meet people, either look for such announcements, or make one on your own, that you're going to be in a certain place at a certain time. If you get any bites, it shouldn't be hard to make arrangements.
I've just announced an event to take place in June at Laguna del Sol near Sacramento, the same resort I've met people at before. We'll see if anybody on this site wants to meet... you can PM me if you're interested.
- 2 years ago