World Naked Gardening Day

World Naked Gardening Day is coming up on May 6th. Who is planning on participating? I will be heading to a farm that sponsors the day and, in return, gets some gardening done. It's a great way to meet other naturists.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

I will be working in my garden at home (weather permitting).

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

We will be naked gardening hopefully it will be a nice warm sunny day

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

Im starting seeds this week. I think the weather is ready for it.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

I won t be gardening but I will be naked!

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

it was a wonderful day, cool but sunny. Dug grass out of a bed and planted bulbs. The next reason to get people out is World Naked Hiking Day on June 21. I hope to be able to lead a hike.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

May 6th, for us, was a busy day. We were prepping for a motorhome trip and were getting things done before we left on the 7th. Once done with those tasks, we both remembered May 6th being WNGD. We headed out back where we took off our clothes and got to landscape trimming and do some re-potting of plants. Almost 100% of our potted plants are succulents. We do our best to conserve water.

After working in the backyard, we each took a shower in our outdoor shower and then sat and enjoyed a beverage while getting a little sun.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

After working in the backyard, we each took a shower in our outdoor shower and then sat and enjoyed a beverage while getting a little sun.

If only I could have your yard. I was just outside raking, hating having to wear clothes. My gardening was done on the Orient Land Trust, a.k.a., Valley View Hot Springs.

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