Anyone in Tucson whos planning a TN get together? Weather is warming up.

Does anyone in Tucson who is a member of TN or any nudist group that has a private residence and willing to sponsor a get together for other TN/nudist people? Weather is warming up and if you have a pool, a summer BBQ would be nice to have with fellow nudists. If only I have a private residence. I will do it. There few TN members in Tucson and Im sure if someone is willing to use their own home/private backyard or pool for a get together, we can all enjoy the summer weather. I am willing to contact the other TN member in Tucson if this will happen. Lets make it happen.

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RE:Anyone in Tucson whos planning a TN get together? Weather is warming up.

i see you figured out how to create a topic

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RE:Anyone in Tucson whos planning a TN get together? Weather is warming up.

Oh I wish I could
Been working on my new deck for a great patio. Soon I will start on the covered patio for some shade

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RE:Anyone in Tucson whos planning a TN get together? Weather is warming up.

Well, let us know when you finished your deck and provided enough privacy. Maybe we can have a get together lol.

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