I like being a seen naked. It is the extra fun to see who might be watching me when naked.
- 2 years ago
I like to be seen naked also!
- a year ago
Someone was watching from the steamroom window of the gym as I was nude at my locker tonight. He was a young college guy who had earlier came into the shower area and entered a stall to change his shorts in privacy. He wants to be nude too.
- a year ago
Showering naked is just normal for me and many other men at the Aquatic Center I belong to . In the Men's locker room . Open showers . Get the hot shower going , then strip naked out of my swimsuit . Just a normal thing to do . Others can be full bushed , trimmed , or smooth like me . No one cares . Just a matter of showering after swimming . We all then go get dressed for afterward activity , like going home from swimming .
- a year ago
One morning I woke up and headed to the kitchen for coffee. I noticed a person I did not know on my couch. Roommate had returned from the club the previous night with some tag along. He came to the kitchen and asked where the restroom was. He acted a little awkward as he was in a new place talking to a nude guy he did not know. I found it hilarious myself, but contained myself. I asked if he would like coffee and he accepted. He was in a pair of boxers only. He joined me outside and we spoke for a while, nothing was said about being naked.
Had a roommate in New York that would have a couple of friends come over and watch movies I got up to get water on night and ended face to top of head with some young guy. He was in underwear only. I smiled and asked his scared looking self if he was looking for the restroom. I pointed the way and we parted. I laughed a lot on that one.
- a year ago