working out nude

I love to work out in my backyard nude.
I have weights and a Nautilus machine so I get a good workout.
Being outside and working out nude is fantastic!

Anyone else get to work out nude outside?

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RE:working out nude

I have the option to do so but not enough exercise equipment to work out that much beyond yard work.

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RE:working out nude

I wish Seattle had a nude gym. I have some weights in my basement and work out naked at home when I cant get to the gym.

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RE:working out nude

I've always wished I could run naked late at night. What a feeling to glide along a country road on a beautiful summer's night. But, too developed where I am. Sigh....

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RE:working out nude

I do a large percentage of my near daily workouts / runs outdoors and fully nude, except visor & shoes. Here in CA High Sierra, nudity is legal in Forestry Dept land, so I am nude if temp is +-48 Deg F or higher and minimal wind. I sometimes do Nude 10 K Run
and stationary Gym type workouts when it is snowing or raining. On occasion, I run partly on paved road to transition between trails, I haven't been hassled about that, yet . I will do nude runs up to 8 miles, most are 10K or 12K. (I do street runs, too, but I wear a brief or thong or Speedo suit; I call it SpeedoRunning, as opposed to Nude Running) Very often when I'm working out or running, people will watch and take video and pics; occasionally they will text the shots to me. I got attention from a lot of ladies, sometimes I meet them around town and they are quick to say they watch me doing my nude stuff, I ask if they have pics or videos and can they text them to me, they often do so.

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