Pickwick Club
Naturist sunbathing club, very basic but great to be able to sunbath naked and free
- 2 years ago
Love to visit when next in the UK.
- 2 years ago
Well done for all your hard work getting this back up and running.
- 2 years ago
The place looks like it survived another winter; grass looks great by the way! My old petrol mower must have had a good work out to get it looking that good! I will try and remember to take my most recent BN magazines over the next time I visit to add some new relative reading material for those who get to visit such a great place to relax naked in the Wiltshire Sunshine! Great work my friend!
- 2 years ago
Where's this then?
- 2 years ago
Also interested - when does it open?
- 2 years ago
Pickwick Club is very basic (No electricity or running water) basically just a field we rent off local Farmer but very tranquil and can sunbath in peace and quiet, so need to take everything with you. I get phone signal am with EE and my works Vodafone used to work there too, Tidied it all up again just need to sort out details with Farmers Son as Dad died and now dealing with him and his Sister.
Will be open to all, need to be shown where it as as very hidden away lol Open Easter till End of September usually.
Nude regards Mark
- 2 years ago