RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Yesterday I started the pool pump and tested the water, read the newspaper, caught up on email, texts and social media, and had a snack. Pool is not swimmable now due to algae and cloudy water, working on getting it fixed ASAP.
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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Made my monthly trip to the ATM to get some cash to have on hand
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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Made my monthly trip to the ATM to get some cash to have on hand
Have you ever gone to a lobby ATM nude when the bank was closed?
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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Made my monthly trip to the ATM to get some cash to have on hand
Have you ever gone to a lobby ATM nude when the bank was closed?
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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Made my monthly trip to the ATM to get some cash to have on hand
Have you ever gone to a lobby ATM nude when the bank was closed?
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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Took a walk and waded in a stream with two other TN members.
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Post #548AndyDiUltra NudistLoves being naked, plays well with others! Unless you're a jerk! ;D RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Just normal everyday stuff around the house, inside and outside. Nothing earth shattering.
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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Today I started the filter, added chemicals, swept the pool, read the newspaper, made some phone calls, caught up on email and social media.
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Post #550ma_jandcSuper NudistJ & C from MA RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Today I had the pleasure of sitting through a 4+ hour corporate annual meeting, although tonight we have a dance with a band to make up for it. Yesterday we walked the dogs around camp, had dinner overlooking a lake and were scheduled to have a silent disco, although that was moved indoors because of the temperature.
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Post #551homeclothesfreeUltra NudistEarlD Editor exploring and engaging the clothes free... RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Rode my bicycle, listen to rock bands, bought decorative lawn flags, and played my new guitar, led yoga, not necessarily in that order
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