6 mile hike barefoot

Last weekend I did a wilderness trail hike 6 miles round trip down to a waterfall and back. Theres a more detailed story in the Nude Hikers group. Afterwards my feet felt amazing. Love being barefoot. Had my earth runners sandals strapped to my daypack but didnt need them.

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RE:6 mile hike barefoot

Sounds like a great hike! I gotta check into the earth runners, I wear Xero s when I am forced to wear shoes.

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RE:6 mile hike barefoot

That's awesome man! Glad you had a great hike and I am sure your feet appreciated not being crammed into shoes.

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RE:6 mile hike barefoot

That's impressive! You must have touch undersoles.

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RE:6 mile hike barefoot

Ooh that is such a great experience. I love the look on peoples faces. But I hope it expands their minds too. I strap my Xero Genesis sandals just in case.

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RE:6 mile hike barefoot

Love to do that, usually in a coastal area so there's a dip involved also!

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RE:6 mile hike barefoot

That sounds like a bucket list addition
Love to do that, usually in a coastal area so there's a dip involved also!

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