Undemonize the penis!

According to Atlas Obscura, the ancient city of Pompeii, Italy has walls and streets peppered with stone phalluses. It states that scholars consider the depictions of penises to be symbols, with some theories maintaining that the penises were actually good luck signs or symbols meant to ward off the Evil Eye, which is why theyre often found outside homes. Renowned classicist Mary Beard proposes that they simply reflect a masculine society with a penchant for erotic art.

We have something to learn from the past and our "traditional roots."

See https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/stone-phalluses-of-pompeii/

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Undemonize the penis!

You see it in many cultures from the antiquity. For example the indian, greek, roman, celtic, german culture, Penisses were a holy object, sometimes even a god. The same for the vulva by the way. But it is more a topic for the history of erotic art than for nudism.

This post was edited 2 years ago
  • 2 years ago
RE:Undemonize the penis!

My first thought when reading the title of this thread was the number of times I have heard or read that the penis is ugly. I also believe that it is considered uglier on an older fuller figured man than on one who is young and fit. I also take issue with the publicity videos from nudist venues that make efforts to conceal the penis by shooting only from the waist up, or from the rear, by crossing legs when seated, and by having the well placed plant among others.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Undemonize the penis!

I've had more than one girlfriend call out penises as ugly. They would tell me, "put that thing away, it's gross". They enjoyed having sex with it in a darkened room for 30 minutes but after that they were over it and back into the uniform of the day. These women definitely were not true nudist material. So sad.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Undemonize the penis!

In Japan, they have a holiday once a year where they paraded a different sizes of phalluses and the men that carried them are only wearing a white linen like the Samo wrestle would wear. Its a symbol of fertility and women who wants to get pregnant idolizes the giant statues of phalluses in a belief that they will get pregnant.

Penises are a part of the male anatomy that is good to look at whether it is erect or not.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Undemonize the penis!

In Sweden the second biggest holiday of the year is Midsummer celebrating the solstice with dancing around a maypole. The holiday started as a fertility celebration with the practical purpose of women becoming pregnant since babies born nine months later had the best chance of survival. The original maypole was a phallus with two wreaths representing testicles hanging from it. When the country was Christianized a cross was added. Thank God it didn't become a religious holiday.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Undemonize the penis!

Christians believe that the human body (which includes the penis) to be the ultimate creation. The Bible says the human body is good, fearfully and wonderfully made, and the temple of the Set-apart Spirt. There is an entire book about joys and pleasures of extra-marital oral sex.

Christians say the human body is the bad, shameful, and obscene, and that it's the cause of lust -- it only makes sense that they would considered the penis to be the worst part of it.

If you're going to have any hope of undemonizing the penis -- you might want to start with Christians.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Undemonize the penis!

Christians believe that the human body (which includes the penis) to be the ultimate creation. The Bible says the human body is good, fearfully and wonderfully made, and the temple of the Set-apart Spirt. There is an entire book about joys and pleasures of extra-marital oral sex.Christians say the human body is the bad, shameful, and obscene, and that it's the cause of lust -- it only makes sense that they would considered the penis to be the worst part of it.If you're going to have any hope of undemonizing the penis -- you might want to start with Christians.

And Muslims! They can be just as ignorant.

King James Bible:
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Undemonize the penis!

It is best not to lump all members of a certain group as to having certain characteristics or beliefs. There is always a continuum of behaviors and ideals that each will subscribe there to. Your responses to different topics tend to point toward a bias against folks as you espouse an inclusive ideal. Both sides of the coin must be addressed or the stated points ring very, very hollow. In most simple terms, cut Christians a little slack.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Undemonize the penis!

Well that proves that there have always been guys obsessed with dick.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Undemonize the penis!

If you're going to have any hope of undemonizing the penis -- you might want to start with Christians.

This is certainly true. Whereas David speaks of being like a tree planted by streams of water, and Jesus speaks of being a naked lily of the valley, the Apostle Paul describes "the thorn in my flesh." The healthiest thing I've done is to realize my Christian teachings conflated everything into a dysfunctional view of the penis, spirit and self. If people in the church can pick, choose and reject their verses, so can I.

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  • 2 years ago