New event membership option for 2023

Oasis 33 now has a new membership option, called the event membership, it's new for 2023, it's considerably cheaper than the full membership, and it gives access to all of the 3-day events, which is what most people want since the events have the most people at the same time. They run from Friday to Sunday one weekend per month and a free barbecue Saturday afternoon. ... We send the schedule of events to members, so you'll receive a schedule shortly after joining, we don't post the schedule publicly because we've had too many problems with people showing up that weren't supposed to. The only way to join is through the website. ....

Full Elite memberships are still available that's the anytime access. ... As well as the village person membership, which is basically an elite membership with a dedicated campsite. Since most people are interested in the social aspects of nude recreation, I have no doubt the event membership will become the most popular. And free camping is always included with any of the memberships, and all of the memberships include two people at a single membership price.

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RE:New event membership option for 2023

I forgot to mention all of the event weekends are clothing optional, so nudity is not required at all, it's a perfect opportunity for those getting started.

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