This Site Is On Life Support

Members constantly complain about being banned from the chat room for no reason by out of control mods. The only people who can chat in open chat are members of the select few - the clique - who can say and do anything without repercussions. The blogs have become a place to sling mud at other members or to advertise for services. There is little to no interest in anyone posting anything meaningful in the blogs anymore. The forum is in the same situation where few post anything of meaning anymore. Sadly, most of the good and active members have left the site. How many more good members must leave the site before the site before the site becomes a total dead zone with absolutely nothing meaningful to offer anyone? The site will never totally shut down because there are those who will keep throwing money at it to keep it going regardless of whether it has anything to offer or not. These are sad days for this site.....

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RE:This Site Is On Life Support

True. After using this site for a decade, I considered becoming a paying user, in order to support it. But then like you say, the mods started getting abusive. No interest now.

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RE:This Site Is On Life Support

I disagree with your assessment but do agree that it could be a lot better. In fact,much better. We, as a group, must decide that we will put forth the effort to build a better site. Thats really it. If the folks contributing and posting (yes, I know its a pain sometimes) add consistent good, positive content to the site, it will move towards a better, more purist type environment. If we consistently allow those folks in chat that enter with * PM if interested * & *mature for PM* to continue their *innocent* requests without reminding them the chat room is for chatting, we will never get anywhere. Im not quite sure how to approach this but having our head in the sand will not work. Any suggestions folks?

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