RE:Going Commando

Got rid of most of my undies but still got a couple of pairs for that special occasion

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RE:Going Commando

Thats my intention too!

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RE:Going Commando

I always make sure my shorts are long enough, but it does help when you dont have much to hide

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RE:Going Commando

Got rid of most of my undies but still got a couple of pairs for that special occasion

When I started freeballing most of the time, I reduced my underwear supply from about 20 pair to 10, then quickly to 6 then 3.
Paused there for several months and realized that the only time I was wearing underwear was for doctor's visits where I was asked to strip to my underwear. People on The Freeballer's Forum kept saying that doctor's wouldn't care if I was nude. A few months later, two younger members noted that they were struggling with getting rid of their underwear. I told them I would get rid of my last pair as an incentive for them to do likewise. One did and one did not. That was about 6 years ago.
Haven't worn underwear since.

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RE:Going Commando

Maybe i should follow your lead and ditch my final two pairs of undies, i know i very rarely wear them but they do have some sentimental value

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RE:Going Commando

It is about 4 1/2 years I have been 100% commando and the last underwear has been removed from the draw and dumped in a pile for about 2 years + but as they are out of site I keep forgetting to dispose of them at last.

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RE:Going Commando

Maybe i should follow your lead and ditch my final two pairs of undies, i know i very rarely wear them but they do have some sentimental value

How does underwear have sentimental value?
I have several shirts that do, but underwear never has.

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RE:Going Commando

It is about 4 1/2 years I have been 100% commando and the last underwear has been removed from the draw and dumped in a pile for about 2 years + but as they are out of site I keep forgetting to dispose of them at last.

Do it. Knowing that you have no underwear in your possession will give you a great feeling of freedom.
Better yet, rip it up before you throw it away.

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RE:Going Commando

I tend to hang on to everything until it's well-and-truely worn out (and then I'll still wear it unless my wife throws it out), but perhaps more intimate garments have greater sentimental value for some of us. Strange, but i can recall my favourite and least-favourite undies from my childhood and cannot recall chucking any swimwear even when they became past their best. Am part-time commando, mostly in summer when the warmth makes it especially enjoyable.

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RE:Going Commando

My wife's only adverse comments on my freeballing have been when I also wear short shorts and my penis becomes visible at the leghole.

Whats wrong with that? Thats the point of shorts. We all have a body and body parts. Women show theirs to everyone.

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