Being alone in RUSSIA is dangerous. Especially for the elderly and older people, if you own a home, or a fairly large amount in a bank account, or if you moved to a new place of residence for yourself by buying real estate in a city where you have no relatives, no good friends. You immediately fall under the scope of "black" realtors or under the sphere of interests of a collection office, that controls the area of the city where you settled. Unless at the stage of buying this property, when you have already paid its full price, such a misfortune has not happened to you. From the moment a new state way of life was proclaimed in Russia, the disappearance of elderly and older people has been going on since then, or they are found with loss of memory in various settlements of Russia. But this is not limited to. People of all ages are disappearing, even children. Sometimes children are kept in the deep basements of garages and raped. Or found killed after such abuse. Loneliness is tolerable as long as you remain in relatively good health, but with age, a bouquet of age-related diseases blooms, which are very difficult to cope with alone. These are diseases of the internal organs of a person, disruption of the life support systems and the musculoskeletal system. And at the end of life, it is an empty or devastated soul and a dark heart that has never illuminated or warmed anyone's life path, which so badly needed it... And this is means, that nobody you and about you remember and to remembered the will be not. As if you have never lived in this life and in this world...

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