Summer of 63

This short story is complete. Because of content concerns, I can't publish it here. I will share it with anyone who sends me an email address. My direct email is
The story contains sexual situations between consenting individuals. Some scenarios are between kids under 18 who are doing what kids do. Exploring.
If that is a problem, you should take a pass.

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RE:Summer of 63

Update as of 07.11.23
A sequel to Summer of 63 is complete. It's titled Spring of 64. The story continues. I also finished a totally different story called 'Writer's Block'
I'm happy to share these stories with anyone who sends a request to
My only payday is that you send me a note to say how you enjoyed the stories.
Be safe and stay naked friends

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RE:Summer of 63

I write short stories, but they are all of an erotic nature. People give me the ideas and I add details and return the stories to them.
I would love to read both of your stories 63 and 64 my email is

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