Meet-n-greet is on
The previously mentioned get together is on for August 5th at Hidden Lake (HL). I just posted a few details on the prior post. If youre planning on being there, please call HL if you plan to stay overnight & let me know that you will be there. Im planning on having light snacks available & would like to have a clue whos coming. But, if you wake up on the morning of the 5th & want to come, please do so. Remember that neither the wife nor I are members of the social butterfly club - youre warned or advised depending on your point of view. LOL.
This topic was edited 2 years ago
- 2 years ago
RE:Meet-n-greet is on
Sounds great. I'm pretty sure I can be there.
This post was edited Invalid date
- 2 years ago
RE:Meet-n-greet is on
I am planning on it!!
This post was edited Invalid date
- 2 years ago
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