Inadvertently Transparent Swimsuits?
We just returned from a YMCA aquatic exercise class. The Y does not allow nude swimming and, if fact, restricts the swimsuits you can wear into the pool - no tiny bikinis for women nor form-fitting Speedos for men. I wish they did allow nude swimming, but they dont (at least not the ones I go to; do any of you know of others that do allow it?).
Nevertheless, a couple of years ago, I noticed that many women, upon existed the pool had their butt crack showing for all the world to see. Then I also noticed that their nipples and cleavage shown through as well. If their crotch area was transparent too, I was unlikely to see it as it was under the water, but, on occasion, that too. In no case, was it apparent to me that the ladies were aware of their transparency, and I assumed that dry, the material was not transparent. But on the other hand, how could so many women be unaware of their wardrobe failures? How many of them were supremely aware that they were flashing their cohort and were straight-faced enjoying the unspoken attention they were getting?
As I said, I would rather go do honestly naked aquatic exercise, than pretend I was unaware of how entertaining I was in a wet transparent swim suit. Ive never seen men swimsuits with transparent material because manufacturers have to deal with their package issues, but, like I said, form-fitting swimsuits that are the norm for Olympic athletes are off-limits for the Y. Why?
Comments, anyone?
How form-fitting? My wife's favourite suits for me to wear were always a Hom style with 1" sides and a sleek cut that's not too skimpy. (They don't make that design anymore.) I have one in that style that's lime green and it's quite transparent when wet in the rear and even the lined front is a little transparent, while emerging from the water always makes the fabric cling for a few moments.
Once it's dried a little it all becomes opaque again.
Would I get away with that?