Yoga While Traveling

Keeping up with your normal yoga practice while traveling can be difficult. Actually, keeping any part of your normal routine is hard. But it can also be a gift. I can practice with a Mountain View, with the smell of forest pines, by a babbling Brook, or along the ocean shore. You just have to change your expectations. Here are some tips.

-focus on breath. You can do this seated in a car or anywhere.
-standing sun salutations are so perfect. And you dont have to get dirty hands.
-balance poses can also be done anywhere without a mat.
-create a standing sequence of warriors and triangles.
-a lightweight travel mat or towel is easy to carry anywhere.
-visit a yoga or hot yoga studio.
-use Yoga Paws to do a flow without hurting feet and hands without a mat.

FYI: if you post and it needs my approval, it may be delayed up to a week since I am backpacking.

This topic was edited 2 years ago
  • 2 years ago
RE:Yoga While Traveling

I like to pack light and my problem is finding an adequate, small, thin yoga mat that is easy to pack and won't be considered a carry-on.
I love doing nude yoga and I sponsor our local men's nude yoga class that meets weekly.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Yoga While Traveling

My travel yoga mat folds up small like a thin towel. I wish I remembered the name of it. It has sticky rubber on one side and felt on the other. So it is totally nonslip. However, it prevents me from touching nasty hotel room floors without having to use a towel that slips and doesnt work for yoga.

I like to pack light and my problem is finding an adequate, small, thin yoga mat that is easy to pack and won't be considered a carry-on.I love doing nude yoga and I sponsor our local men's nude yoga class that meets weekly.

This post was edited 2 years ago
  • 2 years ago
RE:Yoga While Traveling

Gaiam has several travel yoga mats for options that fold up and work great.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Yoga While Traveling

Gaiam has several travel yoga mats for options that fold up and work great.

Oh yeah. I think that is the company that makes my mat

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  • 2 years ago