Two successive visitors

All our farm volunteers get an intake document before they agree to come, including among other things that we are "casual about nudity." Few of them are really comfortable being naked themselves, and we don't expect that. My husband generally stays dressed if the guests do; I'm the more naked one. I'm always a bit uncertain how to approach the issue - never discussed after the initial e-mail, just when and how to be naked...

The first of our two, I was cautious; a glimpse of bath-to-bed nudity, that sort of thing, coming up to the outdoor shower and undressing, to leave the guest to decide whether to linger in the area or move on. Only gradually, then, over the course of a few weeks, did it start to feel really comfortable for me to be naked at the breakfast table.

The second, I decided to just go for it - after getting in (late) from the airport, I showed him around, then proceeded to undress for bed (our sleeping space has no closet - we hang clothes in the laundry area.) And in the morning, I went about breakfast naked, and pretty much followed my usual weather-r and task- related habits with regard to being dressed.

Pretty much, because with these guests we are sort of in our regular lives, and sort of not, more performing our regular life than living it, always conscious of the visitor's experience. In real life, for a small example, I don't pay much attention to whether my foreskin is back, or not; with visitors, I pick a look and stick with it; one way for Americans, another for Europeans.

After a three-week and then a one-month visit in quick succession, we're having our first day of privacy in a while. Something of a relief.

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RE:Two successive visitors

I've hosted many gardening interns over the years and one of the first things I do is to take then on a garden tour. At the end I show then the hot tub and outdoor solar shower and tell them that they can use the hot tub, but that we don't allow bathing suits because it causes the water to get too sudsy. Then I tell them that we are casual about nudity and ask how they feel about that. The majority respond that they are not comfortable being nude themselves, but have no problem if we do. A small percentage say that blood will shoot out of their eyes (well, you get the drift) if they see naked people. And a goodly number (maybe 20%) ask if it is OK if they are nude as well. So far the direct and honest approach has worked out well.

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RE:Two successive visitors

The second, I decided to just go for it - after getting in (late) from the airport, I showed him around, then proceeded to undress for bed (our sleeping space has no closet - we hang clothes in the laundry area.) And in the morning, I went about breakfast naked, and pretty much followed my usual weather-r and task- related habits with regard to being dressed.

Do you relatively little clothing since you keep it all in the laundry room?
A male couple on another board said that when they retired they got rid of most of their clothes, moved the rest to the laundry room, took out their closets and gave away their dressers and agreed to never wear or keep clothing anywhere in the house except the laundry room.

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RE:Two successive visitors

I have thought of being a Couch Surfing host. If I do decide to do that, I will state that my house is nudity required. That is, if someone decides to stay at my house, they'll have to agree to be nude while here. They'll know when the read the information about my house -- no surprises. I'm sure that will greatly limit the number of guests, but I'm ok with that.

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RE:Two successive visitors

We have a fairly conventional amount of clothing. It's in the laundry area mostly because we have no heating or air conditioning, and rely on solar warming of the walls and roof to keep things dry enough not to mildew. The bedroom has mostly screen walls, and just isn't a good place to store fabric.

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RE:Two successive visitors

In real life, for a small example, I don't pay much attention to whether my foreskin is back, or not; with visitors, I pick a look and stick with it; one way for Americans, another for Europeans..

As a cut American, I feel uncomfortable that you feel the need to pull your foreskin back for my benefit. I value your choice, a choice I was not given. But I feel uncomfortable that you would think it would be better to appear different than you are. We are well beyond the time when a man's natural body should be normalized. Please for the sake of us all, especially those of us who were altered without our consent, keep natural normal.

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