RE:Nudist footwear

I am a total barefoot fan! I wear shoes only if needed/required. Ive even considered getting some stick on shoes. They stick to,the bottom of your feed, but otherwise your feet are bare.

I am the same only when absolutely neccesary. I remember when those stick soles first came out didnt know they were still being made.

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RE:Nudist footwear

I dont feel naked if Im not barefoot. Of course thats not always practical so Ill only wear flips flops otherwise Im dressed.

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RE:Nudist footwear

Hello, does anyone know Spanish and is from Spain?

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RE:Nudist footwear

Hello, does anyone know Spanish and is from Spain?

Hola forastero, entiendo el espanol hasta cierto punto, pero no soy de Espana. Pero aqu hay espanoles, incluso de tu barrio. Ciao Fab

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RE:Nudist footwear

Ive seen them on Amazon, just havent bought any yet.I am the same only when absolutely neccesary. I remember when those stick soles first came out didnt know they were still being made.

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RE:Nudist footwear

I'm awful tender footed. Even as a kid I never went bare foot. I normally wear my regular tennis shoes and crocs around the house but I'm thinking on getting a pair of Teva sandals this spring/summer.

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