RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

Curious why you would provide link to a blog rather than the official British Naturism (the national naturist association of Britain mostly England since the Scots and Ireland also have associations) for information on legal nudity in UK. They have free downloadable guides to the legality of public nudity including links to the most updated Crown Prosecution College of Policing guidelines. Easy google find of a more credible source than a blog site that bashes one of the most effective national naturist groups.

I read elsewhere that there is one born every minute.Now I have proof.Proof that my statement is

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  • 3 months ago
RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

Hes not interested in reality, hed rather live in the wired world where the fantasy lie is preferable to him.

What he fails to understand, is, every nudist in the Uk including me, would be overjoyed if his fantasy land was real, but its not.

For further proof, ask David who posted previously all about his troubles with Legal Nudity.

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  • 3 months ago
RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

Hes not interested in reality, hed rather live in the wired world where the fantasy lie is preferable to him.What he fails to understand, is, every nudist in the Uk including me, would be overjoyed if his fantasy land was real, but its not.For further proof, ask David who posted previously all about his troubles with Legal Nudity.

So you are saying that all of the sites that say public nudity is often legal in the UK are lying?

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  • 3 months ago
RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

No, you are mistaking legality and reality.

You can attend nudist events, but you cant go shopping for short shorts nude and not expect to end up in a police cell.

Read up on it, as HCF suggested. Keep it real. Not fantasy.

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  • 3 months ago
RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

No, you are mistaking legality and reality.You can attend nudist events, but you cant go shopping for short shorts nude and not expect to end up in a police cell.Read up on it, as HCF suggested. Keep it real. Not fantasy.

Your so wrong on so many levels here. All my problems started when the report of nudity was made and the public having been mislead into believing that nudity is indecent by the police for so long. In my community now the public now know that nudity is not illegal. It took time for the police to catch up on the law. Yes believe it or not most police officers understand very little about the law in the UK, they are told make enquiries, make arrests and the lawyers will decide what they want to be right or wrong. We tested the police with regards this very subject of nudity, yes we tested them more than once. Here is what we did...

We arrange that is me and a couple of women to make a complaint about me being naked outside in my garden. Here is what happend. The first woman made a phone call to the police advising that a man was in his garden naked. The police on the phone asked her, what is he dojng, she said nothing he looks to be putting something or taking something out the rear of his car boot. The police advised, he's doing nothing wrong, then the woman said, but he's naked outside where people can see him, and the police said, there is no law against being naked outside, we can't anything about that.

A few days later we did the same again, the second lady made a complaint, the same procedure, the police advised her, he's doing nothing wrong its not illegal to be naked outside. On a third occassion the police followed me in my car while driving naked, the police asked me a couple of questions concerning my well being, once he was okay with my health, the police officer said, you can go on your way.

I can't stress enough that human nature at the time we live turns anything from natural nudity automatically into a sex crime when a naked person is seen by another person. The reason for that is because the police have lied to the public for some long that people have accepted all the wrong ideas about this subject.

Parlament in the UK overturned the police decisions about naturism and nudity and the law was changed in 2003 UK. Nudism and naturism is legal everywhere in the UK. People don't widely know about it and the police still lie about it to people, but the more it is published and the more people know about it,the less power the police have to punish innocent people.

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  • 3 months ago
RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

Im not wrong David.

I am a naturist, and I practice nudism as much as I can. But I make damn sure I dont involve anyone else who doesnt share my lifestyle.

My neighbours dont call the police on me being legally naked because I chose not to involve them.

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  • 3 months ago
RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

This is the issue right here there are people who have adopted the idea that nudity is nudism or naturism. Being naked doesnt make you a naturist or nudist just as being in a garage doesnt make you a car.

If you read the actual police guidance and BN legal guide if you are nude with the intent to offend you can be arrested and charge. It not just a matter of getting naked anywhere anyhow. BN encourages public nudity in group settings rather than solo nakedness to avoid the question of intent. So again it a matter of not everything that is allowable is acceptable.
I am a naturist, and I practice nudism as much as I can. But I make damn sure I dont involve anyone else who doesnt share my lifestyle.

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  • 3 months ago
RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

This is the issue right here there are people who have adopted the idea that nudity is nudism or naturism. Being naked doesnt make you a naturist or nudist just as being in a garage doesnt make you a car.If you read the actual police guidance and BN legal guide if you are nude with the intent to offend you can be arrested and charge. It not just a matter of getting naked anywhere anyhow. BN encourages public nudity in group settings rather than solo nakedness to avoid the question of intent. So again it a matter of not everything that is allowable is acceptable.I am a naturist, and I practice nudism as much as I can. But I make damn sure I dont involve anyone else who doesnt share my lifestyle.

But... if your in your own private land fenced off then you should not be stalked by neighbours. Hiding behind your upstairs window curtains using a camera phone directly aimed into your neighbours garden to record and pass evidence of nakedness to the police and other neighbours does NOT make a nude person wrong, it makes the neighbours and the police wrong. When I spoke to the police they showed me a picture taken taken by my neighbour stood in their garden focused on my house windows. Absolutely nothing there to see, just a picture of my window and some background viewing in the picture of inside the room, but no human being in the room. Then there is the camera footage, directly focused into my private land. When none of that so called evidence worked for the police, they went out there way after arresting a known woman to me to get her to say in writing that she had seen me walking round the local streets naked chasing neighbours children. The police complaints department couldn't get this case off there hands fast enough, not wanting criminal proceedings brought against the police, where the woman gave evidence against the police.

Please don't lecture me about right and wrong, we all have a conscience, we all know right from wrong, but the most natural normal way of life, that being the human naked body whether indoors or outdoors is not illegal under any man made laws anywhere as far as I'm concerned. God made each one of us in his image, male and female. The problem you have with the human beings now is twofold...

1/ A lot of men can't control their desires, and

2/ Police have a large organisation of people who have told the human race that your bodies are indencent and have been punishing people since around 1942.

Why do you think there are organisations around the world campaining against law makers for peoples human rights, such as BN in the UK.

Yes there has to be agreements and standards, but since when do men in law who legislate for their own kind have the right to tell the human race what is right and wrong, when they are morally corrupted themselves, and yes they are, changing their laws to suit themselves and their purposes.

I'm also not wrong on this, I too have a lot of experience understanding corruption from men in power who think they are right.

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  • 3 months ago
RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

SMH there is it is the victim mentality.

This what happens whenever these sexual libertines masquerading as naturists get engaged with rational logical arguments that dont align with their desire to pursue their desires regardless of the impact it has on others. They want to convince everyone that all nudity is the same a nudism and naturism despite facts and information to the contrary. When confronted with a different perspective suddenly they get all whiny and instead of addressing the issue or facts they start accusing others who doesn't agree of trying to make them feel bad or wrong. Whats that saying "If the shoe fits".

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  • 3 months ago
RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

Separating social nudity from sexual nudityHow does one actually achieve the above?In the time we all live we've all grown up from youth in clothes. Here in the UK the Government made it law as far back as 1942 that everyone must wear clothes. Now generations have grown up in clothes and all my life I've seen couples changing partners and going about their lives doing as they please, no marriage just their own loose conduct, but its okay because millions do that sort of thing and its normal, but being naked especially if or where someone can see you either in or outside your home and then people say you are indecent? Who has the damn right to say that anybody in the nude is indecent! We're all created the same, male and female, and once your used to being around people naked, there really is no sexuality. Its just another experience that people don't have because its been taken away from them, so they think the human body is for sexual gratification only and must be falsely covered over at all other times, and if anyone see's you, heaven forbid, your indecent.I have read elsewhere that simple nudity in public is legal in the UK. but often not socially acceptable.

You are right, basic nudity is permitted under Law in the UK, it is easy enough to research the information and print it off. If you are nude in your own garden and the neighbour tries to get you arrested for indecency, they can't, as they would have to prove that you were being indecent, the cops can't just take their word for it, it has to be proved. So if they said they took pictures of you, they are breaking the law with regards to Invasion if Privacy. If a cop tried to arrest you in indecency charges, he would be laughed out of court.

As long as you are not flaunting yourself, as in waving your penis about or touching yourself inappropriately (other than scratching an itch in the groin area), there is NOTHING you can be arrested for.

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  • 3 months ago