A well written post with some equally well written replies but as a lifelong nudist I have to ask a simple question: why the obsession with pretending we become asexual when we remove our clothes? And yes, I did use the word pretending because thats all it is.Some simple facts: We ARE sexual beings and thats a good and beautiful thing. Sexuality is not something that should be shamed any more than nudity should be shamed. Ive been a genuine, real-life, active naturist since I was a young boy and the truth is that we dont suddenly become asexual when we undress. Its no more possible to remove sexuality from social nudity than it is to remove salt from a soup thats already been made - its IN the mix, PART of us. And it is a positive. Puritanism teaches that sex should be shunned ( just like the way it shames the naked body). Thats not naturism.Lets just be happy and naked and free!I agree. I dont know, where the problem is. With removing of clothes comes the sexual Expression for everyone around us. Everyone around us can decide, how he want to react or just follow his primal instincts.
Previously I asked how can one recognise an asexual nudist. It was a loaded question because you cant.
Id like to now ask how does one recognise a nudist who sexualises everyone around them? Do they just act creepy?
My nudism experience is only in Europe so others will have to attest to their local, but in all my years creeps on the beach or in resorts are very, very rare. So where do all these libertarians go, because its never where we are?
Its almost as if its how they think nudism should be without ever experiencing it for real.