RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

Where is the evidence for the idea that clothing was created for sexual denial. That a new one.

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RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

Where is the evidence for the idea that clothing was created for sexual denial. That a new one.

Youre wasting your time, all his facts are form a toddlers storybook.

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RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

I thought that was an interesting take as well. I'm quite sure weather had a lot more to do with it.

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RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

Where is the evidence for the idea that clothing was created for sexual denial. That a new one.Youre wasting your time, all his facts are form a toddlers storybook.

Still amazing to me how easily some people just make up and spout their own alternative "facts' with absolutely no basis in reality or truth. Guess that is the world we live in now.

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RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

I thought that was an interesting take as well. I'm quite sure weather had a lot more to do with it.

Wealth and weather. The rich could afford it, the poor were lucky to have rags. The more clothes you had on, the richer you were (or appeared to be to your neighbors). Now you have to have some wealth to join clubs or go to resorts where you can shed the clothes.

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

Now you have to have some wealth to join clubs or go to resorts where you can shed the clothes.John aka cobeachbum

On point this is a real problem in naturism today. The business model works mostly for those with means. The options for others are limited.

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RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

At the core of this "debate" is that many though not all have come to equate any form of nudity including sexual nudity as nudism. That is particularly though not exclusively the case in U.S. Europeans are more likely to see the practice of social nudity as naturism and a practice that should be available to everyone including families.

Injecting sexual nudity into nudism precludes families with children and has given ammunition to the segment of the U.S. population that wants to remove nudism from the social landscape all together. None of that really matters to the sexual libertines who simply use nudism a practice that is non sexual for the sexual proclivities.

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RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

True, but if you live near a clothing optional beach you have a free or low cost option.

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RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

At the core of this "debate" ...

Very well said. As an American having lived in Europe for many years and having my first social nudity experience there, there is an important distinction betwene being naked and having sex. Too often in the US, including at nudist clubs and nude beaches, a sexual element is introduced, either willingly (in the case of resorts) or by sexual predators (as with beaches). This injection of sexual pursuits into social nudity is, I believe, a major reason why there is a US stigma against nudity. This is never the case in Europe. Germany is a good example, where almost every public pool has a section set aside for the cism is not an issue.lothes-free to enjoy and libertinism is not an issue.

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RE:Separating social nudity from sexual nudity

This injection of sexual pursuits into social nudity is, I believe, a major reason why there is a US stigma against nudity. This is never the case in Europe. Germany is a good example, where almost every public pool has a section set aside for the cism is not an issue.lothes-free to enjoy and libertinism is not an issue.

Exactly it doesnt mean those people arent out there is Europe but there are clear boundaries. IMO part of that is due to the fact that the Europeans maintained the ethical and philosophical principles of naturism while Americans opted for a primarily recreational view of social nudity focused mainly on a state of undress described as nudism. Brian Hoffman examines this in his book Naked. As does Maurice Parmelee in Nudism in Modern Life. Unfortunately as a society we dont read much any more and get our perspectives from the internet.

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