BurningMan 2023

Is anyone else going to burningman this year? Let me know, I have extra tickets if people are still looking.

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RE:BurningMan 2023

So I too am wondering (from afar) is any of the good nudie folk on her went and got caught up in the weather impacts?

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RE:BurningMan 2023

I've been once but didn't go this year. I manage an RV park on the way south. Have conversed with several folks including one of the rangers that was there for 3 weeks this year and she said the weather and mud were not as bad as the media played it. Was just a few days that it was rainy and too muddy to move around. But the rangers have plush conditions with all the convienences set up for them which makes a huge difference over something like tent camping and relying on porta-potties that were not being serviced due to trucks not getting in through the mud.

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RE:BurningMan 2023

I went once to Burning Man, and it was many years ago. It was so long ago that it had just recently transplanted into the Nevada desert after having become too big for Baker Beach where it all started. I also have spend a long time at Baker Beach, which is the clothing optional municipal beach of San Francisco sharing a large portion as a federal land belonging to the Presidio. Baker Beach was, I repeat, where Burning Man started. This detail is important, because Burning Man may be 'clothing optional', while not truly been a 'nudist event'. Nudity being tolerated is an atavism from its roots, but nudity is not the center of the event, for example many participant dress in special costumes, or outfits which have the symbolic significance of a religious habit.
Now Burning Man is a religious event, which essentially is a remake of the old rituals of a scapegoat burned as a final immolation after having been loaded with all the past "wrongs, pains, bad karmas, and whatever else" representing what has 'hurt'. This ritual of the 'burn' is essential to the festival, and its essentiality is confirmed by the fact that this year 2023, due to the heavy rains, the Burning ritual was obligatorily conducted after having been postponed. Burning Man is like going to an open-air church which trademark is tolerance to all forms of immoralities, as long as it remains within the boundaries of the acceptable emotions of the moment. Simply put, you may cheat on your loved one, as long as the loved one does not know of the betrayal. The ethos of the church of Burning Man is just the rewordings of the "Do as thou wilt" by Allister Crowley, and this ethos is everywhere on that flat surface of the Black Rock Desert which verily is the entry gate to the Gehenna. The high priesthood of that church is made of the diabolical order of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Please learn that those sisters have avowed to take their contentement at cursing you. The nudity being tolerated as a seemingly innocent 'clothing optional' is nothing but a mortal bait. Beware for your long time relationship, because sooner or later you and your loved ones will suffer from the malefice emanating from those strange architectural structures which are directly aimed at you.

Here is a list of recommendations in regard of Burning Man.
~At Burning Man, do not go if you are a naturist.
~ At Burning Man, you may go if you are a nudist, that is someone who enjoys nudity, without too many constraining rules, but then what? You'll find yourself naked in extreme weather conditions, while been surrounded by weirdoes.
~At Burning Man, you may be disappointed if you are just the regular voyeur, who wishes to peep at beautiful nude bodies, because the true nude people as a sample, does not exist. All rare beauties are always semi-covered by grotesque accessories, without mentioning the defacing of God's creations by demonic tattoos and piercings.
~At Burning Man, you absolutely must go if you worship Gaia, if you take as profound wisdom, all the platitudes of the ancient religions, and if you take delight in acts of sado-masochism under the pretense of expiation.

I'll end my personal rant against Burning Man with a grudge from having lost a lover out of this sinister event. She had been a part to a pastiche display which was a mocking arch resembling the famous 'Reno arch' with the lettering "The Biggest Little City In The World". The girl I loved so much, participated by switching 'Reno' into 'Drano', grotesquely named after the product use to unplug all kitchen sinks. We split shortly afterward that participation to Burning Man. To day, after a formidable chagrin, about that lost lover, I type the following warning to whoever passes the entrance gate of Burning Man: "LASCIATE OGNI SPERANZA, VOI CH' ENTRATE" from Canto III of the Inferno by Dante Alighieri. It translates into the English into the stern warning: "You who enter, leave all hopes behind".


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RE:BurningMan 2023

Travel for days to get back to nature at the bottom of an ancient dry lakebed free of any vegetation with 75,000 of your closest wealthy white friends in bus-sized RVs trying to outdo one another with mall-scale art installations and an effigy-burning ceremony reiterating the Abrahamic religious foundation of human sacrifice of your own children, call it a hip cultural happening, and woo-hoo, I'd rather read about it safe at home.

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