Finding what is best is desirable

I came to having whole food from plants and was generally avoiding processed foods, since I found the Forks Over Knives way over seven years ago now. I would say from my experience it is working and I probably am in better shape than I would have been, though I have issues. There are different ways people might avoid animal products, but this way really has benefits and avoids many certain health issues which are common. The book and the documentary movie for Forks Over Knives are entirely about studies, evidences, and results. It is conclusive this is the healthy way, and cancers, heart attacks and strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes type 2, rheumatoid arthritis, and many other things can be prevented, and in some cases even reversed, with it. I really recommend looking at the book, and the website itself makes the documentary movie available now free, it really should be seen!

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