A Game & A Challenge
Hello, fellow Daring Nudists! I just recently joined this site and was VERY pleased discover (and join) this topic! Many moons ago, I belonged to a site called "Bare As You DARE" whose members had similar interests to the folks on THIS topic. I devised a game/dare for the group and had lots of fun playing the game AND posting photos for the site. I called the game "Lock Out" and this is how it worked: Get in your car and drive to a pre-decided location some distance from "home". Once there, get out of the car and strip naked. Put your clothes AND your keys in the car and lock the doors. The objective is to now walk home, totally naked (shoes were allowed). Photos as proof of having completed the dare could be selfies or, if you had a partner, they could take photos for you. At the time I had a favorite destination about eight blocks from my home. I would drive there in the early morning hours and walk home, through the residential area to my house, naked. I actually got caught doing this challenge TWICE but both times were by sympathetic folks who were NOT scandalized by a nude man walking along in the wee hours of the morning. Of course, I completed the challenge unseen quite a few times! Quite a few of my fellow nudist/exhibitionist friends on the site did the dare/game, some with varying "conditions", and we had fun discussing their experiences on the site.
Are there any members HERE who are up for the challenge? Distance is entirely up to you. AND, if you feel the need for a "safety net" AND you have a partner, they can drive the car (with your clothes inside) and accompany you as you stroll along naked. That way, if the need arises, you can get back in the car and drive away quietly and quickly. Post your results, with or without photos, HERE and tell us fellow daring nudists how it went for you!
It reminds me of the "Two car keys challenge". In this my friend and I drove to one end of a footpath. There we hid one set of car keys. Then we drove to the other end of the footpath, maybe 30 minute's walk away. We'd already be naked (usually drive naked). So we locked the car keys in the car (under the hood or behind the fuel filler flap). Then we set off to walk (completely naked) to get the other car keys we hid earlier. The footpath has to be walked twice - Out to get the keys, then back to the car. Yes we did meet other hikers. One time a farmer was cutting the hay in the fiend next to were we'd hidden the keys.
Ollygrumps, the "Two Keys" dare you and your friend did DOES sound very similar to "Lock Out". Sounds like you and your friend had some fun!
From you mention of the farmer working in his field AND your meeting other hikers, I'm assuming you did your walks in the daytime, or at least in the late afternoon (?). The chances of encountering anyone go UP quite a bit if you are strolling down a trail in broad daylight.
When I played "Lock Out", it was often in the very early hours of the morning and by the time I got home, sometimes the sky was beginning to lighten and some folks were up and about, getting ready to go to work. In order to get back to my vehicle I always had to get dressed. I would always wear as LITTLE as possible on my walk back , of course, usually just shorts and a t-shirt. One Sunday morning, after I had completed my walk home, my wife decided to walk with me to go get my vehicle. Much to my surprise AND delight, she put on a pair of short-shorts and a thin windbreaker. She buttoned the lowest button on the windbreaker and proceeded to stroll down the sleepy Sunday sidewalk with the windbreaker gaping open to her waist. I loved it!
With all the hot weather the United States, the UK, and Europe have been having lately, I'm surprised this challenge hasn't drawn more of a response. The heat wave(s) would seem a perfect "excuse" to go for a late night/early morning stroll in the neighborhood...nude, of course!
I would not have thought the game would be TOO challenging for group of DARING nudists. But...???
I would love to hear YOUR thoughts!
With all the hot weather the United States, the UK, and Europe have been having lately, I'm surprised this challenge hasn't drawn more of a response.
Actually, in the Mid Atlantic region of the US, this summer has been a little cooler than average.
I have not tried leaving my vehicle and returning home to retrieve the spare key. I do dare myself often, 3-4 times a week; I leave my home around 5 AM with only sandals and a cup of coffee for a walk through the surrounding neighborhoods. It is exhilarating and relaxing to be several miles from any clothing. Unlike your dare, I have to walk both ways nude. Over a period of two years that I have been actively walking nude, I have only had to duck behind a tree or shrub three times when confronted by an early vehicle passing. Only one time was I caught by a passing vehicle with nowhere to hide; I just kept walking normally as they passed; the vehicle passed normally and kept going.
My walks usually last around 45 minutes. during the winter months, it's a lot easier as the sun rises much later.
Minimalist, My Bad. I should have done a bit of research before making a blanket statement about temperatures in the U.S. And, of course, average temperatures in the upper states IS a bit cooler than in the southern regions. I hope you still got to enjoy your summer with LOTS of clothing-free days!
Rosewood, I must say... I'm impressed! You've taken the "Lock Out" game to a whole OTHER level, going for a nude walk around your neighborhood! I have a chat friend that does that and he has posted photos of himself out on his walks. I'm not sure just how FAR from home he walks...but he has posted photos from some very public places he has walked by, like a street intersection, shopping center, etc.
I guess the "Lock Out" game was designed to encourage daring nudists that were still getting comfortable being nude in public places, taking "baby steps" as it were. YOUR walks go waaay beyond that and, obviously, YOU are at another level of comfort in your nudity.
Your account of being caught out in the open with no place to "hide" brings to mind a pet "theory" of mine: most people, when they are driving, especially at night, pay very little attention to "things" beside the road. It would not surprise me if the person who drove by you didn't even REGISTER that you were nude! I have been standing at my front door, nude, on several occasions (either coming or going on a nude drive) when cars have driven by. The drivers have gone by, totally oblivious to the fact that I am there!
Anyway, thanks for your sharing your story...AND much continued good luck on your nude strolls!
Like MOST of us who enjoy nudity, we have to learn to adjust to living in a society that does not accept nudity as the "norm"...so we spend a lot of time clothed! (Yuk!) We just have to get naked and enjoy it...when we CAN! "BUSY" can be a good thing... but NAKED is better! LOL
Tanner, I must agree;
Your account of being caught out in the open with no place to "hide" brings to mind a pet "theory" of mine: most people, when they are driving, especially at night, pay very little attention to "things" besides the road. It would not surprise me if the person who drove by you didn't even REGISTER that you were nude!I was pretty surprised when they just drove by.
I have tried to answer that question many times: What would I do if I encountered a nude person walking? Granted, they were not waving me down for help! I would most likely enjoy the moment and wish I was with them! I also agree with you on the absent-minded drivers. I drive nude weekly for several hundred miles on the highway and in large towns. I don't do much nighttime driving; most of mine is during the day. I have been around thousands of other vehicles, at traffic lights, and in slow traffic. Only once did a truck driver look over to find a naked man, he just smiled. Most people are too busy playing with their devices to notice their surroundings. One of my favorite things is getting into the vehicle for a drive and leaving my home barefoot with only my wallet for an hour or two local drive. Knowing you have no clothing or anything to cover with is exhilarating. Realizing you are low on fuel makes it better; you must re-fuel as is!