A reference to naked swimming at the YMCA on mainstream 1960s TV

I had a rerun of Leave It to Beaver on TV a little while ago and heard a very fun reference to naked swimming at the Y. Wally and Beaver were discussing Wally's white dinner jacket that he'd wear to a dinner dance, and Beaver intimated that it looked dorky. Wally rationalized that it doesn't look dorky when all the other guys are wearing the same. To which Beaver agreed (my words) "yeah, it's sort of like when all the guys are swimming at the Y not wearing suits"). Yep, it doesn't look out of place when we're all doing it. A fleeting reference but a bit surprising on a show like that. I think nude swimming at the Y lasted another 10 or 15 years (this was a 1961 episode). Fun.

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RE:A reference to naked swimming at the YMCA on mainstream 1960s TV

Even into the 80s at some locations.

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RE:A reference to naked swimming at the YMCA on mainstream 1960s TV

i never understood the YMCA i was a member of was coed in the mid 70's but right up the street was a YWCA , there are time where the sexes should be separate and yes there is a difference between males and females no matter how society wants to spin the BS.

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RE:A reference to naked swimming at the YMCA on mainstream 1960s TV

I'm surprised that nudism would have been an episode topic at all in a 1960s sitcom. Maybe got some parents interested in exploring for themselves.

I remember a couple of sitcoms, probably in the 70's, running the old joke of "I thought you said it was a DUDE ranch!" But the My Three Sons episode was when Ernie was young, and I think still black&white.
Maybe one of the writers was a nudist.

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RE:A reference to naked swimming at the YMCA on mainstream 1960s TV

Do you know what episode this was? I've been watching the series and have never come across this.

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RE:A reference to naked swimming at the YMCA on mainstream 1960s TV

Wally's Chauffeur

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