RE:At a nude camp.

At my camp, most people are shaved. They even tell you it is you option on how you want your pubes. But looking around, you want to be shaven. A handful of people had trim or a shorten bush. Several people sport their wax job. I prefer to be shaved. Even guys that are very hairy, they shaved their pubes.

Enjoy this report. I love the look of a hairy guy with a shaved crotch or crack. Great contrast. In the New Orleans naked bike ride so many shaved folks. I think more than half. All ages and genders.

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RE:At a nude camp.

Now you made me curious about your controversial opinion.

Great that your place is like that. It should definitely be an option if not mandatory too, my personal opinion which I know is perhaps controversial but not saying all places should be the same. Some should as least!

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RE:At a nude camp.

Yes it is quite common wherever I have been, whether it is a resort, campground or beach. Yes, it is a "trend" or "stylish" but why?

In my opinion, and of many that I have talked with, it is simply this: Nudists like to see and be seen. If you are shaved, you can be seen better.

Some may not like to hear this, but I think it is fairly obvious.

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RE:At a nude camp.

Individuality is one of the keys to living honestly with yourself. What someone does (or doesn't) do in the way of genital grooming is specifically that, all personal choice. I've seen every permutation of pubic hair in my nearing two decades of experiences in social nudism. The view I have is that it is no more or less than a form of personal expression. It's like changing hairstyles on your head but for another part of you ~ it can have an impact on the people who see a change and comment and hopefully compliment you on it.

My preference for hair down there does shift around, both for my own level of what I wear and what I find appealing on my surrounding barers. Time of year generally has some sway on my personal grooming, and it feels nice to let some grow there during the winter - yeppers, I'm sporting my winter wardrobe up front, but a smooth tushy is also in vogue. Strike a pose there's nothing to it! And if you look in the mirror and count your latest foray into hairless as too revealing, give it a few weeks and try something different. A heart shaved into (or conversely, out of) your pubes for your lover on 2/14/24 might be just the right cry for some pleasurable attention!

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RE:At a nude camp.

Been smooth for some time I like better and when I first started being smooth my wife made the comment she liked the look ,and even tho she's not a nudists she has joined me

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RE:At a nude camp.

I have only clean shaved my pubes once and I was not a fan of the grow back itch or the look. Being a naturally hairy guy all over I think it looks quite funny to shave the groin down to bare skin, but leave hair everywhere else. I have seen some fellas who sport just that with a rectangle of hairless shaved skin surrounded by hair in all directions, and if that is your thing by all means it just isn't mine. I trim mine down to varying lengths of short, so I still have the look of hair to go with the rest of my fur suit.

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RE:At a nude camp.

In my opinion, and of many that I have talked with, it is simply this: Nudists like to see and be seen. If you are shaved, you can be seen better.

To some degree, and I'm sure for some more than others; but I also think it can be a bit more nuanced.

Until a couple of years ago, my wife mostly sported what I would call a "short trim"; using clippers or scissors. She felt that shaving completely was an unnecessary and overly complicated process.

Her "sudden" decision to transition to grabbing a razor and shaving everything off was unexpected yet not entirely surprising. We have friends and acquaintances at the resort; and nearly all of them - including me - are shaven. Noticing and observing this, she came to the conclusion that shaven bald was a "better look." And...being the only person in our group with any pubic hair left made her self-conscious.

We socialize a lot and are very active at the resort; and she recognized that just from the proximity to other people, and as a function of just "moving around naturally", her labia and vulva were invariably going to be seen. Sometimes even from a relatively close distance. If her "short trim" was uneven or "patchy", people were going to notice (or so she felt). "Completely bald" eliminated that issue. So she did come to embrace the "esthetics" of being shaven; in addition to the sensation of feeling "more naked."

But that doesn't mean she embraces her shaven vulva being looked at (...that was my first wife lol!). She is fully aware that shaving adds visibility to her labia (it can be "seen better" now). But with our little "entourage" being also shaven, the "accentuated genitals" becomes a "normalized occurrence."
Her mindset now is more like "if her vulva is going to be seen - which is invariably going to happen - it might as well "present well"." In other words, fit the "nudist esthetic" at our resort. It is, in some ways, like choosing to wear a summer dress - at a summer party - that better accentuates her shape.

My wife, of course, is not "every nudist woman." But it does seem that many women are aware of what is deemed "attractive" in a nudist setting - and will adopt the prevailing "esthetic trend." Just because they are nudist doesn't mean they lose that "feminine trait" - which is not just feminine - of wanting to "look good naked.'

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RE:At a nude camp.

You obviously didn't read the thread.

People mainly like it for the look (aesthetics) and the feel (sensuality). I don't see 'being seen' as the driver for most people here or anywhere.

I like mainly for the feeling and aesthetics. Only my partners sees me and hardly anyone else.

Simply, it just feels better. Once I went fully south and shaved my legs, wow just wow. It felt amazing! My legs currently and a bit hairy - I'm due a shave but no great rush. I shave pubes once, twice or thrice a week, sometimes just once a month.

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RE:At a nude camp.

I find being saved, not just my pubes but elsewhere except my head improves my looks and more enjoyable intimacy with other shaved guys

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RE:At a nude camp.

Shaved/smooth is the preference among most in my circles but no one makes an issue of it is just a preference.

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