Love cooking naked!

I love cooking, and I love being naked. 2+2, in this case, = 1,000! Nakedness makes me free. It makes me creative and positive. And I have a Naked Chef apron given to me as a birthday present to prove it! Better still if I can serve my food in my birthday suit.

I am in France and the sun is out. She is not even wearing a hat. I have served my Bnb hosts a dish of sea bass over Provenal vegetables with basil oil. I want to make a full bouillabaisse but it needs a party. These are wonderful local dishes of the area.

Try them yourselves and tell me how you did! Post your favourite recipes too. Heres to naked chefferie; cheers!

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RE:Love cooking naked!

Thanks for sharing the links to recipes.

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RE:Love cooking naked!

I have a Naked Chef apron given to me as a birthday present to prove it! Better still if I can serve my food in my birthday suit.

I also have a a naked chef apron given as a gift. Worn only out of necessity when cooking stuff that spalletrs.

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RE:Love cooking naked!

I have a Naked Chef apron given to me as a birthday present to prove it! Better still if I can serve my food in my birthday suit.I also have a a naked chef apron given as a gift. Worn only out of necessity when cooking stuff that spalletrs.

I don't have a naked chef apron, but do have one with a full frontal picture of Michelangelo's David. Someone gave me that and my wife' one with Lady Godiva as a gift. Mine is more conspicuous because Lady Godiva's hair covers the strategic parts.

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RE:Love cooking naked!

Actually, I am not much of a fan of aprons. Too much coverage.
However, If I had one like the Bear Naked Chef's I might actually wear it.

Even though it is minimal, he has implied that he only wears it when he is being recorded, and when the camera is off, so is the apron!

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RE:Love cooking naked!

My kitchen tends to be the cool room in the house in the winter thanks to having 3 outside walls. So I find myself slipping on an open long sleeve shirt if i am going to be out there for any length of time. I call that my winter nude outfit. But then I shed it when go to do dishes because the sleeves get wet if i don't. But yes cooking in the buff is the best. Even better when the people you are feeding are okay with a nude chef/host.

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RE:Love cooking naked!

You are right. Clothes free cooking is indeed good fun and comfortable. But sometimes common sense means wearing some to keep warm or a apron to avoid getting burn from a splash or oil pop. Its not about making a statement just being smart.

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RE:Love cooking naked!

You are right. Clothes free cooking is indeed good fun and comfortable. But sometimes common sense means wearing some to keep warm or a apron to avoid getting burn from a splash or oil pop. Its not about making a statement just being smart.

Cut a few inches off the bottom of that apron and you will have the bear naked chef look.

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RE:Love cooking naked!

That defeats the purpose of wearing an apron.

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RE:Love cooking naked!

That defeats the purpose of wearing an apron.

It would still go below the counter or range top.
Do you need coverage lower than that?

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RE:Love cooking naked!

That defeats the purpose of wearing an apron.

Not if the purpose is to wear as little as possible and still post your videos on Facebook!

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