Airbnb stay.

Over the past 2 nights I stayed at an Airbnb in London. I met the host and he is the artsy type. My room was on the 3rd floor with another rented room . The bathroom was on the 2nd and I think the host had a room on the top floor. Being over 60 my bladder needs emptied a couple of tobes a night. I streaked down each time. Carried shorts most of 5he time. Once carried nothing. Not caught but a bit of rush

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RE:Airbnb stay.

Cool! Luckily nobody else needing the midnight run!

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RE:Airbnb stay.

Once when I was visiting my parents, I made a middle of the night bathroom run in just shorts and passed my mother in the hall.
She told me in no uncertain terms that I was not to leave the bedroom in her house without wearing a shirt.
She said something like what I did at home was my business but I was not to do it there.
I should have told her that at home I wouldn't be wearing anything, but I thought better of it.

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