Anyone hosting a watch party?

Lots of prime time games this szn. Anyone up for hosting? I heard we only have 2 Sunday at 1pm games all year.

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RE:Anyone hosting a watch party?

Other times are better for me since I have a band rehearsal most Sundays from 3 to 5.
Catching the second half of a 4: 15 game is more fun than the first half of a 1:00 one.
I often watch football (and baseball) nude at home, but a nude watch party sounds like fun,

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RE:Anyone hosting a watch party?

Were you able to find a host?
I can't because my wife doesn't want to be around anyone who is nude except me.

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RE:Anyone hosting a watch party?

Will you be watching today's game nude either at a watch party or alone?
I have a commitment until 5 but will be able to watch the second half, hopefully nude.
Someone on the board who live in western New York for many years but now lives in Florida always watches the Bills nude, so I guess he will be watching the Eagles nude this week also.
He tried to organize nude watch parties at his house, but there isn't much interest in Bills football in South Florida.

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RE:Anyone hosting a watch party?

They keep having these come from behind wins.
Good for the team and probably cardiologists in the Philadelphia area!

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RE:Anyone hosting a watch party?

Totally my preferred type of game. I want the last 5 minutes to matter. People who enjoy sports blowouts are strange to me.

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RE:Anyone hosting a watch party?

I like a close game too, but not where they are behind until the 4th quarter.

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RE:Anyone hosting a watch party?

Went to a watch (clothed) party today.
Another Eagles disappointment.
Anyone feel optimistic about the playoffs?
Regrettably I don't.

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