Anyone for a long boring topic?

I said that I would no longer type up those huge topics. There were 800 topics in the previous group, maybe 750 of which had been launched by yours faithfully and the introductory remarks were at least two book-page long. And sometimes my answers and follow up posts were also very lengthy. That would be the equivalent of 4-5 big books, and who can read that. I still have maybe 20 of the initial stage of these topics, which I had typed when I had no internet connection or in places where roaming was costly so I had to wait to have WiFi to post them.

But whenever I start a new topic I write for the full half hour I have near my coffee in the morning. And as I type fast... so I said no more, I'm no longer going to stifle this brand new group with my endless blurb.

Therefore, this morning I waited until the time was almost up and I have to go to take a shower in 5 min so I am not tempted to type up stuff. I was considering writing a topic about food, about wine, or about best holidays. But I was also considering some more sensual topics such as candaulism and why I think most real nudist men are a bit candaulist. And even about all I know about oral sex from my girlfriends. Or about the taboo issue of multiple partners... but I guess these last topics would be too much for TN anyway.

So I'll refrain from launching new long topics and will be patiently waiting for other members to launch some.

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RE:Anyone for a long boring topic?

I said that I would no longer type up those huge topics. There were 800 topics in the previous group, maybe 750 of which had been launched by yours faithfully and the introductory remarks were at least two book-page long. And sometimes my answers and follow up posts were also very lengthy. That would be the equivalent of 4-5 big books, and who can read that. I still have maybe 20 of the initial stage of these topics, which I had typed when I had no internet connection or in places where roaming was costly so I had to wait to have WiFi to post them.But whenever I start a new topic I write for the full half hour I have near my coffee in the morning. And as I type fast... so I said no more, I'm no longer going to stifle this brand new group with my endless blurb.Therefore, this morning I waited until the time was almost up and I have to go to take a shower in 5 min so I am not tempted to type up stuff. I was considering writing a topic about food, about wine, or about best holidays. But I was also considering some more sensual topics such as candaulism and why I think most real nudist men are a bit candaulist. And even about all I know about oral sex from my girlfriends. Or about the taboo issue of multiple partners... but I guess these last topics would be too much for TN anyway.So I'll refrain from launching new long topics and will be patiently waiting for other members to launch some.

Firstly, Mme FloraT... your topics are never boring, long well, yes they are but considerable in nature and worthy the word count.

A topic on candaulism?? Well I confess to looking that one up... interesting and interested to hear your (and others) thoughts on the subject. A form of exhibitionism, maybe, a community service? Depends on the community I guess, a fantasy I suppose, but to what end I'm unsure.

Anywho, glad to see you back, maybe a series of moral dilemmas would be good, those got quite a bit of feedback.

Cordially Richie x

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RE:Anyone for a long boring topic?

I started writing a reply & my brain has refused to wake up. Oh well . . . maybe later.

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RE:Anyone for a long boring topic?

My, my, a fascinating subject.
I also had to look it up, but admit to practicing it many times without knowing the definition. For a male, there is a particular pleasure in seeking to display your goddess; as you have stated on many occasions, the female is beautiful, attracting the male.
I agree; most true nudist men are a bit candaulist and want the world to share in their glory, whereas the non-nudist men are most likely to want their partner to dress scandalously. However, we all want to see the unblemished nude female form. I find females dressed on the edge of disaster extremely attractive, showing the beauty we males seek while attempting to keep everything barely covered; you have covered this many times in your outfits.
As a male and exhibitionist, I am jealous of this part of the female life. Maybe I have a bit more feminine side than I had thought because I would love to be asked to display myself; I know it would not have the same effect!
Not being a female, I can only offer my point of view: slipping on an almost-there dress that demonstrates that you have nothing else on and being escorted by your guy while in the company of others seems like it would be amazing, especially knowing you would be flashing bits, as he wants.
That part of the female life I would love to experience raises another question for the ladies. How do you feel being asked to be on display in this situation? Does it give pleasure knowing it pleases your guy? Does it give pleasure to be dressed quite scandalously?
Being female and having all the goods has advantages! Do you agree?

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RE:Anyone for a long boring topic?

Good morning
Oh yes we love to think about what you are asking. I know that when you were gone, I was just texting friends here. The subjects were not that many being discussed.
Candualist !
Yes I didnt look it up, and No app for finding definitions. Lol not a computer guy.

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RE:Anyone for a long boring topic?

To focus on but one of the subject lovely Flora mentions, the one seemingly most intriguing to the respondents - and maybe because they did have to look it up before knowing what it means. I knew of it due to a post on the concept about a year ago elsewhere in TN, but one needs to go deeper into the dictionary options to learn what this form of exhibition-by-proxy means. If it isn't in Merriam-Webster it isn't really a word, is it? Balderdash! Merriam-Webster added almost 700 new words this year and no, candaulism ain't one of them. Maybe next year?

An interesting concept, that all coupled nudism involves some form of this topic. It's a big world, and I cannot fully accept the inference that all male nudists have, at some level, a desire to see their partner being visually-sexualized I have had some personal interaction with nudist men who say they would be upset by such focused sexual attention on their partner, at least that is what they told me. The secret inner workings of the nudist male mind are often difficult to nail down. That sneaky feeling of pride when I see my lady being admired a little too closely has occurred with me, to some degree. But I am only one nudist out of millions, and I prefer to believe that there have to be at least some guys in this big, bare world who truthfully have no interest in witnessing, and would receive no enjoyment from, having their woman objectified.

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RE:Anyone for a long boring topic?

Always deeply interested on whatever topic you select as you enjoy your morning coffee. That is always the best time because the brain has yet to be soiled by outside influences. Your submissions are always well structured and have a fascinating depth to them. As far as what topic I would like to read is, when it comes to you, are topics of the mind relative to the flesh and how we feel and deal with those things. You are never boring Flora. Never!

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