RE:Tops no Longer Required in Kansas

It's not the Statue of Liberty, but the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. The Declaration states that we have the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. We established a government to protect those rights, yet our governments fail to do so. They've passed laws that deprive many people of their freedom on "moral" grounds. Those laws do not protect our rights, but rather impose restrictions to freedom based mostly on religious "morality" grounds. In my opinion, these laws are unconstitutional. The Constitution states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech. While there is no federal law against public nudity, I believe the constitutionality of state and local laws should be challenged.Laws should only exist for one purpose; to protect everyone's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Public nudity deprives no one of those rights, except the religious who feel they have a right to impose their religious beliefs and "morality" on everyone else. They do not, yet we the people have allowed them to do so.Well thats kida of a rant...But you did miss out the (most)Religious part of all of it. In the 80s they decided to bring Religion in and pass laws to reinforce some peoples religion. So yes life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but also the right to your own religion even if you have none. Its the Religious people who are against most everything and cram it down my throat. Nudity would be very high on their chart of evil and bad! So the leading point is Religion and government going along, pushing it. Thats how I see it, the same but backwards of yours.What laws do you think reinforce religion?Abortion.....During a pandemic, keeping churches open and nothing happened. Refusing to make cakes for gay couples. when I was a kid you were to pray at school, out loud. Any time people get paid for a religious holiday. Gay marriage. Lack of rights for LGBTQ people. Thats just a few off the top of my head!

Abortion is not a religious issue. While admittedly Catholics are the strongest opponents, the pro life movement involves people of many different types of religious beliefs and even secular humanists and agnostics.
Churches were closed for a while early in the pandemic, and when they reopened they were under same restrictions as other essential activities.
Freedom of speech includes the freedom not say or write something. No one can refuse to make or sell a cake to a gay person or couple. They can refuse to make a cake that includes statements they don't believe in.
Prayer on school ended in 1963.
While Christmas and Thanksgiving have religious roots, they have substantial secular components also.
Gay marriage is legal in the United States.

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RE:Tops no Longer Required in Kansas

That's fantastic!

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