Engaging topics for women ... do we have any takers?

Perusing through our now short list of topics, there's not an abundance of women-centric posts. Though several of us men have directly asked for such participation, it has not happened. My first thought was the posted ideas were not really interesting enough to engage the 'average' lady in our midst and a little variation might help. Off to the depths of the internet & this article quickly came to the top. I don't pretend to know anything about ladies' discussion topics but maybe this lady does; here is the gist of it:

"Books & Movies, Consistency, Defining Friendship, Girls Night, Group Friendships, How To?, Importance of Friendship, Loneliness, Maintaining Friends, Practical Ideas". I'm attaching the site: "https://www.girlfriendcircles.com/blog/2020/3/4/the-best-topic-for-womens-group-discussion".

Maybe this will spur a small amount of 'fairer gender' response or tell me this is the wrong tree in the forest. Either way, we can move just a baby-step forward. Any takers?

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RE:Engaging topics for women ... do we have any takers?

I don't expect you to get many answers. Maybe the problem with the ENL women is... the men and myself, meaning the only ones active in the forum?

First, the men-to-women ratio on TN is more than 10 to 1. Second, the women of this group (and likely not all of them are women while for couples' profiles the vast majority are actually men) are so successful that they have many friends, they don't spend time in our forum. I'm pleased that they upload or send me pics to upload. Third, I stifle the forum with my endless blurb; it's done on purpose, to keep inelegant guys away, but it does not seem to be very successful in anything but keeping the ladies away. Fourth, let's face it, this is a ladies' group, with ladies, about ladies but... for men. Men being the only contributors I tease them with my stories. I would write very differently if I were to speak to and for ladies. Fifth, most have a different mother tongue and are not proficient enough in English. Sixth, why do you think ladies will queue to entertain you with their intimate stories?

I did have lengthy exchanges with some of them and they shared with me very detailed and intimate things from their lives. This does not mean that they are ready to share those with some unknown dudes. Of course, had this been a ladies' group things would be different. But you can't have an exclusively ladies group on TN because guys can still see and jump into discussions even if you close the forum to non members. I was once in one of these "female only" group, but couples meant guys and single guys could still barge in. Oh, I was also excluded from there - not sure why, but it was the day after I declared that I was Nana, a fembot. Not sure if it's a causality though.

I consider myself quite a good listener and women have the tendency to trust and confide in me, but this is an anonymous group, they are happy to exchange with me, but maybe less so with you. Oh, and that page leads to a most ridiculous idiot's guide to talking to women. It's fun but fully useless for anyone over 7. Poor self-declared psychologist lady, trying hard to promote her video...

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RE:Engaging topics for women ... do we have any takers?

I would also love more female engagement in ENL and the site generally, and it's a delight when I encounter it, but I can understand the reluctance. Thanks to those who do participate.

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RE:Engaging topics for women ... do we have any takers?

I am the only woman responding to ENL topics, as far as I know. And I appreciate when the guys appreciate what I add. I know you do, and I too wish more women would speak up in here. I agree with you, FloraT, that most of the women willing to post or have you post photos of them are not English speakers. I must admit, some topics I just refrain from commenting on. Not always do I want to bare my soul in here! So forgive me if I do not respond to every topic. But please count me in! I know you do, just sayin. Mary Anne aka Frogett

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RE:Engaging topics for women ... do we have any takers?

Correction: FloraT and myself. Frogett

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