58 From Ireland

Hi, I'm Martin from SE Ireland. I genuinely think the human body gets better as we age. Our wrinkles are like the paths we have walked and our humps and bumps the hills we have climbed. Our bodies are like the roadmaps of our lives and that's why we love them. I would love to chat with people who still love their bodies and accept that we are who we are.

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RE:58 From Ireland

I agree with you 100%, it is the only body we have and should be proud of it. never be ashamed of who sees it as we all have one

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RE:58 From Ireland

Hello Martin and everyone else reading this.
I'm Alan 59 year old divorced male in East Kent UK. The human body is a beautiful thing to see,from old to young male or female,we all have the very same things but we are all different shapes and sizes but we are all beautiful. Never be scared to see or be seen as the only way we can appreciate the differences is to see and be seen.

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RE:58 From Ireland

We are all different and that is what makes us all wonderful. The naked body is one of the most beautiful things ever created in the world and should not be shamed or vulgar to be looked at or be seen. We all come in different shapes and size's, but once naked we are all the same no matter the age. Life would be much better should naturism be accepted by all society and not looked on as being something wrong.
So even with our bumps and lumps be proud of what we have. I love nothing more then being naked and am much more relaxed with others when I am naked then when I am clothed. Skin colour age etc. once naked we are all the same.

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RE:58 From Ireland

That was very eloquently stated, I totally agree with you on that. It is a shame how some societies are so hung up about covering up the beauty that God gave to us.

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RE:58 From Ireland

Totally Agree Martin as you age the naked body finds its own lines and as such we grow more comfortable with it now at the age of 81 i feel happier in my skin than in my formative years.

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