Getting closer to nature
It is often said that part of Naturism is "getting closer to nature" and I truly believe that. It is also my experience that nature comes closer to me when I'm naked. I've had birds settle closer to me or not fly away as soon, as I approach. I've had closer experiences with wild deer, alone or as a herd.
Or is it my imagination? Who else has found this and can anyone explain why it might happen?
- a year ago
Well I went skinny dipping on several occasions and had: minkie whale pop up by me, a few seals, and dolphins.
- a year ago
I have had the same impression, but I wasn't sure whether it was real or just my optimism which was causing it.
- a year ago
Hard to say. The critters around my place are definitely less skitish than they once were, but I don't know if it's because I'm naked or they're just used to me being around. I guess I could start wearing clothes to see if it makes a difference but not sure I want to know that bad. ;-)
- a year ago
K, here's a hypothesis and a question. In the deep woods, far from civilization, is it possible that a wild animal would feel less stress running across a naked human for the same reason that I would? Namely, not much chance of a concealed weapon?
- a year ago
It is often said that part of Naturism is "getting closer to nature" and I truly believe that. It is also my experience that nature comes closer to me when I'm naked. I've had birds settle closer to me or not fly away as soon, as I approach. I've had closer experiences with wild deer, alone or as a herd.Or is it my imagination? Who else has found this and can anyone explain why it might happen?
I have the same feeling when walking in the woods, somehow i feel so much closer to my surroundings and feel at peace, i here and see so much more, its a wonderful feeling
- a year ago
Thanks for all the responses guys!
Concealed weapons? I'm not sure that wild animals would have much appreciation of weaponry, let alone its concealment in clothing! Famously, the best way to get into a bird hide is for two people to arrive and one to leave; birds then believe the threat has gone away. They clearly react to the threat they can see and not anything that is concealed (and they can't count!) Maybe nature can detect your vulnerability though?
Someone once suggested to me that perhaps we are quieter when naked, but he was mostly thinking about walking barefoot and whilst that is a valid point, I've had many positive experiences wearing sandals, shoes or even boots. It is possible that we are quieter in that we might be walking slower, to savour the experience, or even keeping still for longer enjoying the feeling...
I am often alone when walking naked, so that's another way I will be quieter, but a couple of years ago I was walking with another guy when a buzzard came and settled so close to us we just stopped in our tracks. Sadly I didn't have my camera ready and in trying to get it out of its case as slowly and carefully as I could, the buzzard moved on before I was ready.
One theory I have is that of colour. Wearing bright colours may well act as a deterrent, keeping nature away. I often wear browns or blacks when I have to be dressed, but don't get the same connection with nature that way, so who knows?
Of course, much in nature is done by scent. Do we smell less when naked? I think that is a very real possibility!
Whatever the reason - I will continue to believe nature comes closer when I'm naked and continue to enjoy it.
- a year ago
My theory on the subject is that clothing is artificial but the naked body is totally natural. To wildlife, a naked person is just another animal so they assess our behaviour and if it is not threatening they don't react adversely. Clothing is an unnatural thing top them and so will be classed as a threat to be avoided (or attacked).
This is my theory, anyway.
- a year ago
Concealed weapons? I'm not sure that wild animals would have much appreciation of weaponry, let alone its concealment in clothing!
I'm not a deer hunter but I know quite a few. I've been told many times that a deer definitely knows the difference between a man carrying a long gun and one who isn't. Granted the concealed part was a bit of a stretch and speculation on my part.
I've also been told the deer know when deer season opens. They all seem to just vanish. Well I doubt they carry calendars but I think they know something's up with the sudden surge of human activity in their domain and the sounds of 4 wheelers, dogs on a scent, and occasional bangs in the distance. Makes them really nervous and a lot more cautious than other times of the year.
I'd be curious to know if deer hunting naked would work better than wearing camo clothing. Problem is, deer season is always way too dang cold to be naked for more than a few minutes. I guess that's just one more reason I don't know any nudist deer hunters.
- a year ago
I agree with Brian that our clothing itself may be alarming to wildlife, not only due to colors but also odor. Most clothing today contains polyester, which is made from petroleum products. Can some animals detect this as an offensive smell? I also believe that when we are in a completely natural environment, our blood pressure drops and other vital signs change. If animals can detect fear in another creature, can they also detect calmness and lack of aggressive intent?
- a year ago
One last point: if we feel a oneness with our surroundings when walking nude through a landscape, our ego diminishes and we are no longer aliens moving through that world. Can animals, even birds, sense us as though our movements were little different from a large tree branch swaying in the wind?
- a year ago