RE:New pics

Wow, thank you Flora, thank you Richie! What a treat.

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RE:New pics

Richie wins the prize but we're all rewarded.

Such beauty all 'round.

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RE:New pics

Somehow, Vero's most open pic has disappeared (while the lineup is still on). Oh well, not gonna repost, I think you have been spoilt sufficiently today.

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RE:New pics

Clearly, I am going to have to st art taking notes, but for the next two weeks I will have only sporadic Internet access. Oh well.

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RE:New pics

Great lineup, Flora, and a very shy, beautiful Barbie. Well done !!!

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RE:New pics

See mods have been busy this morning already.

5 or so pix removed to save our blushes and discomfort at seeing lovely ladies naked.

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RE:New pics

It is a little annoying if youre awake at 4:30 AM (CST US) and are not early enough. You would think they would peruse the rest of the site for the pervs & call-bots but no such luck. They may win this small battle but they dont realize that theyre losing the war. Must be a bureaucrat!!!

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RE:New pics

The mod(s) definitely seem to single out our precious group. Frogett

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RE:New pics

It is a little annoying if youre awake at 4:30 AM (CST US) and are not early enough. You would think they would peruse the rest of the site for the pervs & call-bots but no such luck. They may win this small battle but they dont realize that theyre losing the war. Must be a bureaucrat!!!

I would try not to rub it in... but, hey you missed a treat..! Sorry!!

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