
Would anyone know why I can't get into the chat room these last two days? It gets to loading at 92% then just sits there doing nothing else.

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RE: Chat

Hi Dee, occaisionaly mine does too - just reload it. Or I try a diferent browser.

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RE: Chat

Would anyone know why I can't get into the chat room these last two days? It gets to loading at 92% then just sits there doing nothing else.

Hi Dee, it's probably just the new, Fully Automated Inappropriate Picture Detector kicking in,
or it might be the new Fully Automated Inappropriate Group Detector, or both even!

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RE: Chat

Phil what does all that mean, can you explain, please?

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RE: Chat

I shouldn't speak for someone else so I'll take my best guess and say it was a joke!

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RE: Chat

If it repeatedly doesn't work clear out the temporary internet files on your PC and see if flash needs upgrading.

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RE: Chat

Well thanks for your advice, have tried waiting for 20 mins and still spinning have no clear my browsing history and will try again, fingers crossed!

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RE: Chat

Whenever I attempt to enter the chat computer freezes!

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RE: Chat

I'm using Firefox. I 'll have my husband check the other things. Thanks for the help.

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